The 19th NOOJ International Conference 2025

About NooJ
NooJ is used as a corpus processing system in the Digital Humanities as it allows researchers in the Humanities and in Social sciences to apply sophisticated queries to large corpora in real time, in order to construct indices and concordances, annotate texts automatically and perform statistical analyses, etc.
NooJ provides linguists with tools to formalize any natural language by developing linguistic resources in the form of electronic dictionaries (for simple words, intraword units, multiword units and discontiguous expressions) and grammars (regular, context-free, context-sensitive and unrestricted grammars) to formalize orthographical, morphological, syntactic and semantic phenomena.
NooJ’s linguistic engine has been inserted into a large number of Natural Language Processing sofware applications such as automatic semantic annotators, Named Entities Recognizers, Information extractors, Paraphrase and RDF to Text Generators, Business Intelligence, Machine Translation, etc.
NooJ is a free, open source software promoted by the METASHARE European programme and protected by a GPL license. It runs on Windows Operating System (.NET framework) and on Macos, LINUX and UNIX Operating Systems (JAVA Virtual Machine).
There are over 20 linguistic modules that can already be freely downloaded for NooJ, as well as its manual, references, video tutorials in Arabic, Belarusian, Croatian, English, French, Italian, Indonesian and Spanish.
To learn more about NooJ, download the software and its manual as well as linguistic resources for over 30 languages, click here.
Conference objectives
- Give NooJ users and researchers in Linguistics and in Computational Linguistics the opportunity to meet and share their experiences as developers, researchers, and teachers.
- Present to NooJ users the latest linguistic resources and NLP applications developed for/with NooJ, its latest functionalities, as well as its future developments.
- Offer researchers and graduate students two tutorials (one basic and one advanced) to help them parse corpora and build NLP applications using NooJ.
- Provide the occasion to present and discover the recent developments of NooJ itself (v7).
Topics of interest
- Digital humanities: corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, literary studies, second language teaching, narrative content analysis, corpus processing for the social sciences.
- Linguistic resources: Typography, orthography, syllabification, phonemic and prosodic transcription, morphology, lexical analysis, local syntax, structural syntax, transformational analysis, paraphrase generation, semantic annotations, semantic analysis.
- Applications of natural language processing: Business Intelligence, Text Mining, Text Generation, Automatic Paraphrasing, Machine Translation, etc.
We invite the submission of abstracts in English until 19 January 2025 (from the page “Submissions”). The abstracts should contain the title, name, institution, and email of the author(s). Abstracts should not exceed one page (length between 300 and 600 words, references not included) and must also be sent to the organization committee:
The scientific committee will review all proposals, and authors will be given notice of acceptance of their papers no later than March 19th, 2025. All papers must be original and not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 19.01.2025
Notification of acceptance: 19.03.2025
Camera-ready abstracts must be sent before: 28.03.2025
Early Registration until 30.04.2025
We enforce a 30% to 35% acceptance rate. Submission of papers to be selected for publication in the NooJ2025 volume (Springer, CCIS series): 17.09.2025. Volumes in the CCIS series are indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for inclusion in ISI Proceedings.
Organizing committee
- Bénet Vincent (CREE, Inalco)
- Gadjeva Snejana (CREE, Inalco)
- Krylosova Svetlana, co-organizer (CREE, Inalco)
- Petkobic Divna (Inalco)
- Rabiet Victor (Inalco)
- Saint-Joanis Olena, organizer (CREE, Inalco)
- Silberztein Max, co-organizer (University of Franche-Comté)
- Vassilioutchek Jeanna (CREE, Inalco)
Scientific committee
- Angster Marco (University of Zadar, Croatia)
- Bartulović Anita (University of Zadar, Croatia)
- Bénet Vincent (CREE, Inalco, France)
- Bigey Magali (University of Franche-Comté, France)
Blanco Xavier (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) - Boitet Christian (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)
- Bonnot Christine (SEDYL, Inalco, France)
- Chalvin Antoine (CREE, Inalco, France)
- Duvallon Outi (SEDYL, Inalco, France)
- Fehri Héla (University of Sfax, Tunisia)
- Gavriilidou Zoe (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
- Kocijan Kristina (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
- Koza Walter (National University of General Sarmiento, Argentina)
- Krylosova Svetlana (CREE, Inalco, France)
- Leonarduzzi Laetitia (Université d’Aix-Marseille, France)
- Maci Stefania (Università di Bergamo, Italy)
- Mijić Linda (University of Zadar, Croatia)
- Misuraca Michelangelo (University of Calabria, Italy)
- Monti Johanna (Università degli Studi di Napoli l'Orientale, Italy)
- Piunno Valentina (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- Poibeau Thierry (Laboratoire Lattice, CNRS, France)
- Rodrigo Andrea (University of Rosario, Argentina)
- Saint-Joanis Olena, chair (CREE, Inalco, France)
- Silberztein Max, chair (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
- Šmilauer Ivan (PLIDAM, Inalco, France)
- Tadić Marko (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
- Thomas Izabella (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
- Trouilleux François (Université Clermont Auvergne, France)