Research projects (CERMOM)

Since 2006, the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Moyen-Orient, Méditerranée, CERMOM (EA 4091), has brought together some fifty tenured research professors (Inalco, Sorbonne Université and Paris 8) specializing in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultural area (Arab world, Mediterranean and Muslim societies, Jewish societies (Israel and diaspora), Turco-Persian, Greek and Kurdish worlds).
The CERMOM (co)organizes several conference cycles:
- Annual conference in Religious Studies Chaire Viviane Comerro de Premare
- Cycle of conferences in Jewish Studies Le cactus et l'égaré
The CERMOM hosts several prize-winning projects:
- The ANR-18-CE27-0014 LJTRAD Translation as a survival issue for Jewish languages as post-vernacular languages
- MigrEnAb ID: 846205 Laureat Cordis - Europa Horizon 2020 : Encoding, Absorption and Abandonment of Cultural Material during Migration: : The Case of Judeo-Spanish Songbooks
DISCORDIA Winner of the Ministry of the Interior's call for projects: From dissensions over the status of the Qur'an in the 12th and 13th centuries between Hanbalites to current Wahhabite-Salafist doctrine
Rieti Laureate 2020 ANR Franco-German Social Sciences: A Hebrew Dante: Moshe da Rieti's "Miqdash Me'at," its Cultural Background and its Reception.