Registration for 1st year

Applying for a doctorate

You must first:

  1. Choose one (or more) Thesis director(s)
  2. Establish a research project
  3. Complete your application and send it to Doctoral School 265

The Doctoral School Council will select the applications.

Application for admission
  1. Download and complete the application form. Have it completed by your future thesis supervisor
  2. Send yourapplication file together with the documents mentioned in the notice electronically to :
  3. Two admission sessions application deadlines:
  • 1rst session: May 28, 2024
  • 2th session: September 23, 2024

Formulaire projet-thèse doctorat (55.66 KB, .docx)

Notice_admission doctorat _2024-2025 (224.59 KB, .pdf)

Charte_du_doctorat_Inalco (123.89 KB, .docx)