Recently defended theses (CERMOM)

Since 2006, the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Moyen-Orient, Méditerranée, CERMOM (EA 4091), has brought together some fifty tenured research professors (Inalco, Sorbonne Université and Paris 8) specializing in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultural area (Arab world, Mediterranean and Muslim societies, Jewish societies (Israel and diaspora), Turco-Persian, Greek and Kurdish worlds).
Richard YILMAZ
Thesis subject: The geopolitical dimensions of an emerging power, Turkey 1974 to the present day
Thesis director: Michel BOZDEMIR
Discipline:History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 06/30/2023
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic: Sportsmen and "the fellah" in Egypt in the colonial era: civilizing missions, rural autonomy and hunting conflicts (1859-1914)
Thesis supervisor: Chantal VERDEIL
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 09/01/2023
Mention: Admitted
Angela KAHIL
Thesis subject: Angela Jurdak Khoury: diplomacy and feminism in Lebanon between 1945-1966
Directrice de Thèse: Chantal VERDEIL
Discipline: History, societies and civilizations
Date de soutenance: 05/01/2023
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: Armenians in the Turkish novel (1960 - 2010)
Thesis director: Michel BOZDEMIR
Thesis co-director: Anaïd DONABEDIAN
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 10/12/2022
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic:The elaboration of a human ideal according to the Kitab a-tawwabin by Ibn Quadama al-Maqdisi (d. 620/1223)
Thesis supervisor: Aboubakr CHRAIBI
Discipline:Literatures and civilizations
Defense date: 20/05/2022
Mention: Admitted
Thesis topic:Writings of the body and politics in the modern Arab novel
Thesis supervisor: Sobhi BOUSTANI
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 01/12/2021
Mention: Admis
Alexis HEN
Thesis topic: Nationalism and internationalism in the Greek labor movement between the wars. The case of Trotskyism (1923 - 1949)
Directrice de Thèse : Méropi ANASTASSIADOU
Discipline : History, Societies and Civilizations
Date de soutenance : 22/10/2021
Mention : Admis
Thesis subject:The society of poets: ethics and poetry in the Songbook
Thesis supervisor: Hachem FODA
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 22/10/2021
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: An enterprise to legitimize Arabic grammar: The Hasa properties of Ibn Ginni (392/1002)
Thesis director: Georgine AYOUB
Discipline: Language Sciences
Date of defense: 15/10/2021
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: The development of the Sabbatianist movement in Italy. Binyamin ben El'azar Coen Vitale of Reggio and his 'Et ha-zemir (The Time of Song)
Thesis director:Alessandro GUETTA
Thesis co-director: Cristiana FACCHINI
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 31/05/2021
Mention: Admis
Thesis subject: From form to meaning: Analyse des formes verbales préfixées par it- et ista- en arabe du Caire
Directrice de Thèse: Georgine AYOUB
Discipline: Sciences du langage
Date de soutenance : 15/01/2021
Mention : Admis
Serdar AY
Thesis topic: Kurmandji Kurdish literature in Turkey between emergence and (re)discovery Writing, through journals, the history of a literature
Thesis supervisor: Alexandre TOUMARKINE
Thesis co-director: Timour MUHIDINE
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 11/01/2021
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: Critical edition of the manuscript proverbial of I.S. Révah (Judeo-Spanish-Salonica, 1936)
Directrice de Thèse : Marie-Christine BORNES VAROL
Discipline: Sciences du langage
Date de soutenance : 08/01/2021
Mention : Admis
Sujet de Thèse: Les usages de l'article français dans les interlangues d'apprenants persanophones en situation non-guidée
Directrice de Thèse : Marie-Christine BORNES VAROL
Discipline : Sciences du langage
Date de soutenance : 16/12/2020
Mention: Admis
Thesis subject: The nouvellistic work of Haldun Taner precursor of postmodern literature in Turkey
Thesis director: Michel BOZDEMIR
Thesis co-director: Timour MUHIDINE
Discipline: Literatures and Civilizations
Date of defense: 11/12/2020
Mention: Admis
Thesis topic:As'arite authority in the 5th/XIth century. Divine attributes and the status of the Qur'an at the heart of debates against the so-called anthropomorphist Mu'tazilites and Hanbalites
Director of Thesis: Jean-Jacques THIBON
Discipline: History, Societies and Civilizations
Date of defense: 02/12/2019
Mention: Admis
Thesis subject:The strategic and diplomatic doctrine of Turkish political Islam (2002 - 2016)
Thesis director: Michel BOZDEMIR
Discipline: Political Science and International Relations
Date of defense: 05/07/2019
Mention: Admitted
Stéphanie OUEINI
Thesis subject: On the use of narrative, between religion and secularism, in a work of advice to the prince by al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah al-'Abbasi, Athar al-uwal fi tartib al-duwal (early 8th/14th c.)
Thesis Director:Aboubakr CHRAÏBI
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 12/04/2019
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: Ya'qûb Sannû', from theater to journalism: l'écriture théâtrale dans Abû Nazzâra
Directeur de Thèse: Luc DEHEUVELS
Discipline: Littératures et civilisations
Date de soutenance : 15/12/2018
Mention: Admitted
Marwann HARB
Thesis subject: Mahmoud Darwich, victim in search of identity
Thesis director: Sobhi BOUSTANI
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 14/12/2018
Mention: Admitted
Marcella RUBINO
Thesis topic: Religion and violence in the work of Yusuf Zaydan: les chemins croisés de la fiction et de l'histoire
Directeur de Thèse: Luc DEHEUVELS
Discipline: Littératures et civilisations
Date de soutenance: 01/12/2018
Mention: Admis
Sujet de Thèse: The kaleidoscope effect.Rewriting in Alfred Faraǧ's plays as a multifunctional strategy for a multilayered creation
Thesis director: Luc DEHEUVELS
Thesis co-director: Manica RUOCCO
Discipline: Literatures and civilizations
Date of defense: 05/06/2018
Mention: Admitted
Vanessa DUNCAN
Thesis subject: Judeo-Spanish women's songs from northern Morocco in the present day: role and central function of a forgotten repertoire
Thesis director: Marie-Christine BORNES VAROL
Discipline: Littératures et civilisations
Date de soutenance: 31/05/2018
Mention: Admitted
Thesis subject: Les codes sémantiques chez Gorges Jerdaq, Ounsi El-Hajj et May Menassa des écrivains entre journalisme et littérature
Directeur de Thèse: Sobhi BOUSTANI
Co-directeur de Thèse: Nabil EL KATHIB
Discipline: Littératures et civilisations
Date de soutenance: 09/01/2018
Mention: Admis