Yengakatu, Beautiful Songs
Anthology of Wayãpi songs from the Upper Oyapock region
Series : America(s)
Subject : Humanities and social sciences
35 €
This book is an anthology of major ceremonial songs in the Wayãpi language. Singers and dancers, as well as those who brew and serve the manioc beer without which there would be no ceremony and no dancing or singing, live on the Upper Oyapock River, which lies along the border between French Guiana and Brazil, in north-east Amazonia. Wayãpi belongs to the great Tupi-Guarani family of languages, spoken across a vast geographical area spanning Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and French Guiana.
Listen to a recording of each song, while following along with its lyrics and music.
Jacky Maluka Pawe, born in 1950, is renowned throughout the Oyapock River valley as a great singer. He is also the customary representative of the Upper Oyapock villages, where he leads most of the main dances.
Luc Taitetu Lassouka is the grandson of the late chief Yakanali, who was instrumental in passing on important musical repertoires. He is very interested and active in questions related to translation.
Jérémie Wilaya Mata, a national park officer, is from a great family of singers descended from the late chief Eugène Inãmu. He was very involved in translation workshops, where his questions were both precise and philologically relevant.
Jean-Michel Beaudet has been researching Amazonian music and dance for 45 years, and has spent long periods living in Amerindian villages in Brazil, Bolivia and French Guiana. He is a researcher at Paris Nanterre University and a member of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, CREM/LESC).
357 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 09/09/2021
ISBN: 9782858313600