Dashboard of Central and Eastern European and Eurasian Countries
Series : Europe(s)
Subject : Political, economic and legal sciences
25 €
This Dashboard of Central and Eastern European and Eurasian Countries puts into perspective economic, social and political shifts in a world region stretching from Prague to Vladivostok via Tallinn, Skopje, Bucharest and Bishkek. Twelve specialists from academia, consulting and government examine 29 countries. There have been major changes since 2014 and the previous edition of the Dashboard: economic changes (collapse followed by recovery of hydrocarbon prices), socio-political changes (growing rejection of corruption and rising Euroscepticism and illiberalism) and geopolitical changes (breaking point of the Ukrainian conflict). The Dashboard is split into two parts, entitled “Central and Eastern Europe” and “Eurasia”. It seeks to shed light on these changes and help understand the singularities and similarities of the socio-economic paths taken by the region’s countries.
Jean-Pierre Pagé is an INSEE administrator. From 1990 to 2015, he directed the Tableau de bord de l’Europe centrale et orientale, extended in 2011 to Eurasia. He is the author, with Julien Vercueil, of a book entitled De la chute du Mur à la nouvelle Europe (L'Harmattan, 2005).
Julien Vercueil is a professor of economics and a member of the Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie (CREE) at Inalco. He recently published Économie politique de la Russie 1918-2018 (Le Seuil, coll. Point-économie, 2019).
184 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 15/09/2019
ISBN: 9782858313259