Couverture le Piège de l'orgueil

The trap of pride

A republican project in the East in the 18th century


Satenig Batwagan Toufanian

Series : Asia(s)

Subject : Translation

45 €

Contenu central


The Trap of Pride, a work by Hakob Chahamirian, is one of the 18th-century constitutional projects oriented towards the search for a rational basis for politics and the formation of a state of law. The present study provides access to the Pride Trap in two ways. Firstly, by offering the first French translation of a text hitherto only available in Armenian and, in part, Russian. By providing, moreover, means of interpreting The Trap, a text often enigmatic without knowledge of the culture underlying a prose that rarely cites its sources.



Satenig Batwagan Toufanian is a certified professor of philosophy, holding a master's degree in philosophy (Paris XII), a doctorate in history (EHESS) and a higher certificate in classical Armenian (ELCOA).
Her research focuses on the history of Armenian colonies in India.

530 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 01/06/2018
ISBN: 9782858312757