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Essays on Russian literature and cinema


Catherine Géry

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Intergeneric relationships (cinematographic fable, ciné-skaz, cinégraphic poem, ect.)... Intermediate relationships between the words of literature and the images of cinema, comments a posteriori certainly, but favoring through feedback, a semantic return on the texts, thus informing us about their interpretive regimes... Temporal relationships that interweave History - historical past - in the stories - present of fictional enunciation.

The works that enter into dialogue in this way are spaces (textual or visual) of transition, objects forever imperfect and unfinished that aspire to be completed just as a translation completes the original text and reveals its mode of aim (Walter Benjamin).

Literary and visual works, by adding to, commenting on, translating and rewriting each other, participate in the very movement of culture, which never ceases to mix and reinterpret its own data.



Catherine Géry is professor of Russian literature and cinema at Inalco, co-director of the Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie (CREE), editor-in-chief of Slovo magazine and co-publisher of the Europe(s) collection at Presses de l'Inalco.

256 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 23/05/2016
ISBN: 9782858312641