Essays on Russian literature and cinema
Series : Europe(s)
Subject : Arts and letters
20 €
The essays gathered in KinoFabula question the images of cinema in their original and constantly renewed relations with all forms of literature (fables, folk tales, poetry, theatre and novels) and analyse the different types of relations and circulation that enable dialogue between works: inter-genre relations (film fables, kinoskaz, cinematic poetry, etc.); intermedial relations between the words of literature and the images of cinema that are an a posteriori commentary but also foster retroactive semantic feedback on texts and tell us about the means to interpret them; and temporal relations that weave history – the historic past – into stories and the present of fictional enunciation. The works in dialogue here are considered as textual or visual spaces of transition, objects that are forever imperfect and incomplete but which each seek to be completed in the same way that, in Walter Benjamin’s terms, a translation completes an “original” text and reveals its intentions. Building on one another, forming a mutual commentary, translating one another or rewriting one another, the literary and visual works contribute to the very movement of culture that never ceases to “mix” and reinterpret its own substance.
Catherine Géry is a professor of Russian literature at Inalco, a member of the Europes-Eurasia Research Centre (CREE) and joint editor of the Slovo journal. She is a specialist in the works of Nikolai Leskov, about whom she has written many articles and works. She has also translated several of his works, earning her the “newcomer” Halpérine-Kaminsky Prize in 2003.
She recently published the essay Crime et sexualité dans la culture russe (Crime and Sexuality in Russian Culture) on Nikolai Leskov’s novella “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” and its adaptations (Éditions Honoré Champion, 2015). Her current research concerns cultural transfers (handling of the legacies of the 19th century) and intermediality (adaptation of Russian literary classics in cinema).
256 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 23/05/2016
ISBN: 9782858312641