Couverture Émile Picot

Émile Picot, secretary to the Prince of Romania

Correspondence from Bucharest 1866-1867

Critical edition of

Cécile Folschweiller

22 €

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Known in the French scholarly world for his talents as a bibliographer and as a specialist in medieval theater, Émile Picot was also the first professor of Romanian at the École des langues orientales between 1875 and 1909.

It was an important historical event that brought him to Bucharest in 1866: the arrival on the throne of the Romanian Principalities of Prince Charles of Hohenzollern, for whom the young Picot then became the French secretary.

His private letters, most of which have never been published before, recount the circumstances and progress of his mission, bear witness to the political and cultural life of Romania at the time, shed light on the French involvement in this episode of the Eastern Question, and give us an insight into the personality of the Romanian prince, but also that of the future French scientist then discovering the Danubian confines.


Cécile Folschweiller is a lecturer in Romanian language, literature and civilization at Inalco. Her publications include Philosophie et nation. Les Roumains entre question nationale et pensée occidentale au XIXe siècle (Honoré Champion, 2017).

278 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 19/03/2020
ISBN: 9782858313402