Register Labels in Bilingual Dictionaries
Series : Europe(s)
Subject : Languages and linguistics
20 €
This book examines several issues relating to the theory and practice of lexicographical labelling in monolingual and multilingual dictionaries, such as the nature of usage and register labels, labelling principles, the evolution and variation of labels, prospects for improvement of lexicographical practices, the use and correspondence of labels for non-standard and sub-standard terms, and design of an exhaustive and non-contradictory system of labels for this type of specific lexicon. The languages studied and analysed in the book are French, English, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian.
Gueorgui Armianov is a senior lecturer (HC) in Bulgarian language and linguistics at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales. He was previously a researcher and lexicographer at the Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and has taught Bulgarian linguistics at the universities of Sofia, London, Oxford and Strasbourg.
His research interests include Bulgarian grammar and lexicology, monolingual and bilingual lexicography, sociolinguistics, and linguistic contacts between Slavic languages and between Balkans languages.
216 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 14/01/2021
ISBN: 9782858313754