Pre-entry course 2024 (Japanese studies)

Welcome to Inalco's Japanese Studies Department! There's a pre-entry course for complete beginners in the Japanese language. The aim of this course (which is of course free of charge) is to master hiragana and katakana before the start of the school year. The course will take place from September 10 to 13, 2024.

To take part, register as soon as possible for the course "Japonais - Stage de pré-rentrée" on Moodle+ Inalco.

The PDF below explains how to create a Moodle+ account and register for this course.

Comment accéder à la page Moodle+ du stage de pré-rentrée (301.05 KB, .pdf)

To start your university year serenely, we very strongly recommend that you start learning hiragana and katakana during the vacations. To this end, we've put all the necessary tools online, including videos that will guide you throughout your learning of kana.

Waiting to see you in September, we wish you a very happy vacation!
And congratulations on successfully joining Inalco!