PLIDAM research projects

Positioned in the context of language diffusion, learning and teaching, the Pluralité des Langues et des Identités : Didactique - Acquisition - Médiations (PLIDAM) team aims to be situated in the field of finalized research: study of language acquisition processes, teacher/learner relationships, impact of new technologies in the transmission of knowledge, design of new diplomas, production of teaching tools.
- 2013, 2014, 2015 - European project TILA (Telecollaboration for intercultural language acquistion). In collaboration with Paris 3, DILTEC). Aims: to improve quality and equity in foreign language teaching/learning processes by placing at the center of the program, telecollaboration devices between secondary school teachers on the one hand, and innovative programs for teacher training on the other. (A. Boughnim and A. Potolia).
- 2013, 2014, 2015 - (creation of a free multilingual website for learning Slovak) supported by the European Commission as part of the KA2-languages- lifelong learning program, nine European partners including Inalco (P. Pognan, PU, D. Lemay, MCF). (125.59 KB, .pdf)
- 2014, 2015, 2016 - Hybrid and distance teaching of Swahili beginner level. This project aims to improve the acquisition of Swahili language skills through greater exposure to the language, using a multiplicity of approaches that allow respect for the pace and learning strategies of each individual. The volume of documents made available to students will ultimately be at least five times greater than that of face-to-face training. Selected in 2015 as an "establishment project" and awarded the "Investissement d'avenir" label. (O. Racine PU).
Projet Swahili (2.85 MB, .pdf)
- 2014, 2015, 2016 - Several team members are involved in developing online language courses in MOOC format as part of a project entitled "Survival Kit in Oriental Languages" (Joel Bellasen for Chinese, Sibel Berk-Bozdemir for Turkish, Ivan Smilauer and Patrice Pognan for Czech). Funded by USPC, the project should enable the publication of several MOOCs on the France Université Numérique platform.
- 2014, 2015, 2016 - Project to develop a Cilubà - French health dictionary. Supported by the Inalco Foundation, this project began as a cooperation agreement between Inalco and the University of Mbuji Mayi (DRC) signed in June 2014. It includes a component to be carried out with the Faculty of Medicine: a study of health vocabulary in Cilubà and training in linguistics, Swahili linguistics and FLE for teachers and journalists at the University of Mbuji Mayi (O. Racine, PU).
- 2014, 2015, 2016 - International Collaboration Network (ReN) within the framework of AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics), with the University of South Australia, SOAS, NUS); participation in the International Congress in Brisbane in August 2014, and the International Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (planned for July 2017). (G. Zarate, PU, E. Suzuki MCF, G. Alao MCF).
- November 2015 - PLIDAM-LLACAN project: "Les oralités du monde", submitted to the Pôle de recherche USPC for the call for projects covering the period 2016 to 2019. Led by F. Bouchereau PU, U. Baumgardt (LLACAN), C. Le Blanc (Paris 3/CERC) and M. Manca (Paris Diderot/GREP), the project integrates a component for the recognition, rehabilitation and valorization of oral heritage on both a cultural and academic level.
- 2015, 2016 - LASIPA project - funded by USPC and National University of Singapore (NUS). Local Language policies & Language Appropriation in a Global Environment. Community languages, second languages & foreign languages. Case studies in Singapore and Paris (G. Forlot, PU) PLIDAM members involved: George Alao, Frosa Bouchereau, Françoise Wolf-Mandroux. Activities: International symposia organized in Singapore (November 2015) and Paris (June 2016). Publication of 2 volumes planned (1 in French, 1 in English).
Projet LASIPA (403.3 KB, .pdf)
- 2016 - C.S.-funded "Jeune chercheur" project "Un patrimoine oral malgache en voie de disparition -Collecte, analyse, préservation, diffusion et didactisation". The aim is to combine reflections on a language - with no proven didactic tradition - and its literature. Interdisciplinary field approach (anthropological, sociolinguistic) and using digital technologies. (L. Ouvrard, MCF).
- 2016 - Migrobjets "Representation and circulation of objects from the material culture of exiles in new media and construction of the figure of the migrant in the public space". Research project funded by the C.S. the project proposes an analysis of images of exiled people's objects disseminated on the internet (online newspapers, platforms for migrants, blogs, photographic reports, social networks) in order to measure their impact on the construction of migrant figures in countries of destination and departure. Necessarily multilingual and multidisciplinary, this research associates PLIDAM with several teams: CESSMA, LICIA, EHESS and the University of Porto (P. Stockinger, PU).
- 2016 - Projet TiLL France-Singapore (Technology in Language Learning: A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Students' Use of Technologies and Technology-Based Materials in France and Singapore". Inalco-PLIDAM, USPC / NUS-CLS (Joint Innovative Project in Higher Education), (G. Forlot, PU) PLIDAM members involved: G. Forlot (Principal Investigator), L. Ouvrard, D. Lemay, T. Szende, I. Smilauer, J. Guo (project submitted 29.02.2016).
- 2016 - Project CoLaSEA Common, Shared and Circulating Languages in South East Asia. Case Studies in Singapore and Malaysia. External partnerships: SOAS, University of London, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main, Universiti Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) PLIDAM member involved: G. Forlot (project submitted 29.02.2016).
- ANR project Encyclopédie des Littératures en Langues africaines (ELLAF), coordinator Ursula Baumgardt (INALCO), partner Xavier Garnier (Paris 3). January 27, 2017 - December 31, 2017.