PLIDAM PhD students

Positioned in the context of language diffusion, learning and teaching, the Pluralité des Langues et des Identités : Didactique - Acquisition - Médiations (PLIDAM) team aims to be situated in the field of finalized research: study of language acquisition processes, teacher/learner relationships, impact of new technologies on knowledge transmission, design of new diplomas, production of teaching tools.
Gender, Patriarchy and Power in the Performance of Yorùbá Arugba Rituals
Adekunmi ADELEKE
from 2019
Dissertation supervisor: George ALAO
Dissertation co-supervisor: Ayo ADEDUNTAN
The use of ICT in the teaching-learning of FLE: What effects on learners' learning and teachers' practices
since 2023
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Thesis co-supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
L'apprentissage de l'oral en FLE à travers les jeux vidéo. Cas des élèves des cinquièmes années primaires en Algérie
Majda AS
depuis 2018
Dissertation supervisor: Héba LECOCQ
Dissertation co-supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Le temps du mythe chez Intizar Husain: construction d'une littérature nationale ou élaboration transnationale d'une littérature-monde?
François AUFFRET
from 2019
Dissertation supervisor: Ghanshyam SHARMA
Dissertation co-supervisor: Annie MONTAUT
French-Uzbek contrastive phraseology : Comparative analysis of inalienable somatic idioms through the linguo-culturological approach
since 2020
Thesis supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Standard Swahili at the University in Burundi. Études des stratégies communicatives employées en classe de langue et dans les clubs linguistiques pour le développement des compétences à l'oral
depuis 2023
Dissertation supervisor: George ALAO
Co-dissertation supervisor: Odile RACINE (PU émérite)
Kunwar Narain, un Sahr̥daya dans la modernité littéraire indienne. An approach to poetics according to Kunwar Narain
since 2018
Thesis supervisor: Ghanshyam SHARMA
The co-verb in Vietnamese, linguistic and didactic aspects
Bich Lien BUI
since 2020
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Thesis co-director: DAO Huy Linh
Historical anthropology of the concept of "Jewishness" through the theatrical work of Yehuda Sommo: between poetics and aesthetics
Alexandru BUMBAS
from 2021
Thesis director: Madalina VARTEJANU-JOUBERT
Study on French teaching practices in foreign language universities in China today
Zechen CHEN
from 2022
Dissertation supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Co-dissertation supervisor: Pascale ELBAZ (ISIT)
The fate of the Ottoman heritage in the Republic of Macedonia from 1991 to 2017
since 2018
Thesis supervisor: Alexandre TOUMARKINE
Co-thesis supervisor: Frosa BOUCHEREAU
Les pratiques traditionnelles Maninka de Kouroussa. Case de quelques chants de circoncis de : Balato, Koumana, Babila, Toban and Kato
Gaoussou DIAKITE
since 2023
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Thesis co-supervisor: Akoye Massa ZOUMANiGUI (Univ de Kindia)
Analysis of TFS4 and its relation to the teaching/learning of FLE in the university setting in China
Yaoyao DONG (ep. BAO)
since 2017
Thesis supervisor: Gilles FORLOT
Thesis co-supervisor: Céline PEIGNE
Mutations in the identity representation of the Turkish economic emigrant from 1960 onwards. From gurbetçi to almanci
Delphine DUMAN
since 2015
Thesis director: Frosa PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU
Thesis co-director: Timour MUHIDINE (CERMOM)
Linguistic diversity and revitalization in Mexico: which discourses? which actors? which didactics?
since 2023
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Thesis co-supervisor: Albert ALVAREZ GONZALEZ (Univ Mexico)
Gestures in the foreign language classroom: French and Iranian resources
since 2015
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Vincent Carme's life in the antemoro society of southeastern Madagascar at the end of the twentieth century, constants and evolutions (1961-2004)
since 2019
Thesis supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Transmission of manjak culture: the woven loincloth as a communication tool
Paulette GOMIS
since 2018
Thesis supervisor: Frosa PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU
Thesis co-supervisor: Eric GABLE (UMW)
Gestural and vocal expressivity in oral storytelling: l'exemple de conteuses peules du Cameroun
since 2020
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Telugu militant songs
since 2015
Thesis supervisor: Ghanshyam SHARMA
Co thesis supervisor: Daniel NEGERS
Somatic expressions in Thai and French: contrastive, lexicological and didactic approaches
since 2021
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Co-thesis supervisor: Apisit WARAEKSIRI
Oral storytelling in elementary school teaching in Ethiopia
since 2020
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Agglutination in Turkish as a foreign language: Which description and which pedagogy facing a heterogeneous audience?
Ecem KOZ
from 2023
Dissertation supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Dissertation co-supervisor: Sibel BERK-BOZDEMIR (MCF INALCO non HDR)
Pedagogical translation and classroom practice of foreign languages and cultures (Hungarian, Greek, Japanese)
since 2021
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Marriage songs in the rural Songhay environment of Gao (Mali), practices, forms and functions
Issa Mahamar MAIGA
from 2019
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Thesis co-director: Hamidou SEYDOU HANAFIOU
Study of legends in Fang from Mimbeng in northern Gabon
Kevin Colbert MBA-MBEGHA
from 2018
Thesis director: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Thesis co-director: Marie-Rose ABOBO-MAURIN
The impact of FLE promotional communication: the case of the Republic of Macedonia
since 2018
Thesis supervisor: Frosa PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU
Approche contrastive de deux variantes dialectales du peul à travers un corpus de textes de littérature: Fuuta Tooro Pulaar and Aadamaaw Fulfulde
since 2022
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Thesis co-director: Aliou MOHAMADOU (PU emeritus)
Circulation and production of cultural knowledge related to ancient Yorùbá objects in Africa and the Caribbean: from visualization to embodiment
since 2023
Thesis supervisor: George ALAO
Thesis co-supervisor: Patricia DONATIEN (Univ des Antilles)
Verbs of movement and displacement in Laari, a variety of Kikongo H10
Raphaël OTHO
since 2019
Thesis supervisor: Aliou MOHAMADOU
Acquisition of Slovak nominal inflection by French-speaking learners - Linguistic and didactic aspects
from 2022
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Thesis co-director: JAMBOROVA LEMAY Diana (MCF INALCO)
Witchcraft and counter-witchcraft in and around Antananarivo: tools of resistance to Christianity and "modernity" in Madagascar
Miharitiana Yolande RAKOTONIRINA
since 2018
Thesis director: Malanjaona RAKOTOMALALA
Contribution à l'étude d'un manuscrit Sorabe arabico-malgache de la bibliothèque de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer
Matoy Oely Tsiory RARISON
depuis 2023
Dissertation director: Louise OUVRARD
ICT at the service of the promotion and dissemination of the Malagasy language
from 2019
Thesis supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Intergenerational transmission of heritage language and identity construction in children of Sri Lankan origin (a study of Sinhalese communities settled in France and the USA)
Judith Sumindi RODRIGO
from 2018
Thesis supervisor: Gilles FORLOT
Kinakkuvissii? Plurilingualism and identities of the Inuit of Northern Quebec
since 2017
Thesis supervisor: Gilles FORLOT
Thesis co-supervisor: Danièle MOORE
The pedagogical use of digital tools in the teaching of FLE: a comparative study between French and Palestinian universities
Falastin RUSRUS (ep. TAYEH)
from 2021
Thesis director: Louise OUVRARD
The conditions of women's emancipation in Kosovo after the 1998-1999 war through the status of "woman-man" (burneshë)
Vijona SHEHU
from 2018
Thesis director: Frosa PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU
Articulations between oral and written literature in Kurdish
Gulistan SIDO
from 2021
Thesis supervisor: Ursula BAUMGARDT
Thesis co-supervisor: Ahmed AMR (CERMOM)
Writing and representing Khmer Rouge genocidal violence in Cambodian literature and cinema
Soksereyvathanea SRENG (ep. VATHNEA)
since 2016
Thesis director: Frosa PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU
Thesis co-director: Michel ANTELME (CERLOM)
Animals in Malagasy oral literature: environmental and pedagogical perspectives
Xiaonan SU
since 2023
Thesis director: Louise OUVRARD
Oral literature in Soninke: language, dialectal diversity, transmission and teaching
Salif SY
from 2019
Thesis supervisor: Aliou MOHAMADOU
The regional cultures of China: what issues for the didactics of Chinese as a foreign language?
since 2016
Thesis supervisor: Thomas SZENDE
Thesis co-supervisor: Jing GUO
The impact of foreign language didactics at university on translation skills in China and France
since 2021
Thesis supervisor: Louise OUVRARD
Co-thesis supervisor: Pascale ELBAZ (ISIT)