Meetings with Russian writers, poets and translators: "Literary paradigms" session

Meeting with Natalia Gromova - novelist, literary historian. Professor at the European Free University. Member of the IPHI association (Independent Institute of Philosophy, Paris).
Portrait d'une femme regardant par une fenêtre
Portrait de Natalia Gromova © Photo personnelle‎

As part of Rencontres avec les écrivains, poètes et traducteurs russes, CREE is pleased to invite you to the "Literary Paradigms" session with Natalia Gromova author of the following book:

  • History of archival discoveries: diaries, letters, investigation files, intelligence service information (Marina Tsvetaeva, Daniil Andreyev, Lev Shestov, and others).
  • История архивных находок. Дневники, письма, следственные дела, агентурные данные (Марина Цветаева, Даниил Андреев, Лев Шестови другие).

Author biography

Natalia Gromova - novelist, literary historian. Professor at the European Free University. Member of IPHI (Institut de philosophie indépendant, Paris). Until March 2022, senior researcher at the National Museum of Literature. Author of several documentary books on the evacuation of writers: Tsvetaeva, Bergolts, Pasternak and others. Finalist for the "Russian Booker" prize in 2014 and the "Venech" prize of the Moscow Writers' Union. Finalist for the "Big Book" prize in 2020. Curator of numerous literary exhibitions. Resident in Israel since April 2022. Member of the PEN club.

Organization and moderation