CNU Section
15 - Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew and other languages and literature
Area(s) of expertise
Department(s) or teaching subject(s)
South Asia Himalayas
Rromani, Sanskrit
Teaching topic(s)
Histoire de la langue rromani, Grammaire du rromani, Grammaire du sanscrit, Civilisation rromani
Research center(s)
Research theme(s)
Editions critiques en védique et rromani, Edition critique d’ouvrages lexicographiques rromani , Etude sur des paribhāṣā (règles d’interprétation) du texte védique Kauśikasūtra, La pragmatique des rituels romani en tant qu’actes de parole, Histoire, démographie historique des communautés roms de Roumanie; esclavage des Roms
Useful Links
2023: The Wallachian gold-washers. Unlocking the golden past of the Rudari woodworkers. Julieta Rotaru & David Gaunt. Brill Series in Roma Culture and History. Brill : Leiden. DOI:
2023 : Rotaru, J., & Gaunt, D. (2023). MapRom - Survey of the Roma population in rural and semi-urban Wallachia in 1838 (Version 1) [Dataset]. Södertörns högskola. Tillgänglig via:
2022 : Romani Lexicography in the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1: Lexicon Româno-Ţigănesc/Romanian-Gypsy Dictionary, Julieta Rotaru, Aurore Tirard, Viktor Šapoval. Lincom Series in Romani Linguistics. Munich : Lincom Academic Publishers
2021 : Samskāraratnaprayoga, an Ātharvaṇic Prayoga on Pre-natal and Infancy Rites, édition critique, traduction et annotation par Julieta Rotaru ; 2021. New Delhi : Dev Publishers
2016 Vedic Śākhās: Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of the Fifth International Vedic Workshop, București 2011. Jan E.M. Houben, Julieta Rotaru et Michael Witzel, eds., Harvard Oriental Series, Opera Minora 9, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard Université Press
2025 : « The textual divisions and the conventions mantrādhikāra and phalādhikāra in classifying the rites in the Kauśika Sūtra. The case study of the construction rites. » en : Studies in the Atharvava Veda. Proceedings of the 3rd Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy, R. Leach, O. Hellwig et Th. Zehnder, De Gruyter, 373-399.
2018 : « Towards a Methodology for Applying the paribhāṣās in the Kauśikasūtra (II). » Asiatische Studien- Études Asiatiques : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft, 489-513, De Gruyter.
2021. David Gaunt and Julieta Rotaru. “The Living Conditions of Gypsy Slaves in Early Nineteenth Century Wallachia.” Romani Studies, series 5, volume 31, issue 1, p. 30-55, DOI:
2010 : « Towards a Methodology of employing the paribhāşās in the KauśikaSūtra (I), With Special Refference to 7.10. » Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 9 (2) : 57-82, Vilnius: Université of Vilnius
2018 : « Caught between the Eastern Europe Empires : the case of the alleged ‘Netot’ Roms. » Slovak Ethnology/Slovensky Narodopis 66 (4) /2018 : 501-522, Académie slovaque des sciences, Bratislava ;