CNU Section
21 - History, civilization, archaeology and art of the ancient and medieval worlds
Area(s) of expertise
Department(s) or teaching subject(s)
Chinese studies
Teaching topic(s)
Histoire de l'art et archéologie de la Chine (CHIA230a et CHIB230b), Histoire de l'écriture et de la calligraphie chinoises (CHIA330e), Histoire de la peinture chinoise (CHIB330f), Cultures visuelle et matérielle de l'Asie
Research center(s)
Research theme(s)
Epigraphie chinoise (en particulier sous les dynasties du Nord), Calligraphie, sigillographie et pratiques antiquaires (estampage), Archéologie des échanges entre les périodes Han et Tang (art bouddhique et art funéraire), Patrimoine matériel et immatériel en Chine contemporaine, Pratiques créatives en archéologie
Useful Links
Administrative and pedagogical responsibilities
- CHIA230C Histoire de l'art et archéologie en Chine (Néolithique - Tang)
- CHIA230B Histoire de l'art et des techniques en Chine (Tang - Qing)
- CHIA330E Histoire de l'écriture et de la calligraphie chinoise
- CHIA330F Histoire de la peinture chinoise
- CHIA131C Culture et pratique sinologiques
Investigatrice principale, projet ANR Altergraphy "When writing becomes calligraphy: medieval inscribed landscapes and their modern reception"
2024 (forthcoming). La stèle et ses métamorphoses : Regard sur l’épigraphie médiévale en Chine à travers la collection des Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire. Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire 89–90.
2024 (forthcoming) 边疆区域的丧葬表现:公元2-3世纪长江以南次级贸易路线上的中介社群 (Funerary expressions in borderland areas: Gateway communities on the southern tributaries of the Yangzi River (2nd to 3rd century CE)). The Archaeology of Northern Ethnicity 北方民族考古, Kexue chubanshe.
2021. Wei, Lia and Michael Long. ‘Entexted Heritage’: Calligraphy, Rubbings, and the (re)Making of Tradition in Contemporary Chinese ICH. China Perspectives 3: 41–5.
2021. Wei, Lia. Funerary Expressions on Imperial Frontiers: Burial Caves South of the Yangzi River (2nd to 3rd century CE). Archaeological Research in Asia 26:1-20.
2020. Wei, Lia and Virginie Nobs. 重現過去:數字時代之前傳統複製技術的遺產 (Reproducing the Past: The Legacy of Traditional Copying Techniques until the Digital Age). Guoxue xuekan 国学学刊2020(4): 23- 36.
2020. 「漢」與「非漢」——對漢帝國西南地區族群文化的考古人類學觀察. (“Han” or “non-Han”? Thoughts on the Use of Ethnonyms in the Archaeology of Early Imperial Southwest China). The Archaeology of Northern Ethnicity 北方民族考古10, Kexue chubanshe: 72-85.
2020. Zhang Qiang and Lia Wei. 「清」何以變「凊」——北朝僧安道壹書刻研究之一 (The 清 character written as 凊 in the late production of Seng’An Daoyi). Shufa yanjiu 书法研究(1) : 48-60.
2019. Schacher, Jan, and Lia Wei. Gesture-Ink-Sound: Linking Calligraphy Performance with Sound. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 13. ACM, 2019.
2017. Wei, Lia and Rupert Griffiths. Reverse Archaeology: Experiments in Carving and Casting Space. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 4 (2): 195-213.
co-authored books and edited volumes
2023. Zhang Qiang 張強, Lia Wei and Zhao Lichun 趙立春 (Eds.). 中國古代造像視覺史體系 (A Visual History of Chinese Sculpture). Wenwu chubanshe 文物出版社.
2017. Wei, Lia and Zhang Qiang. 大空王佛:僧安道壹與北朝視覺文化 (Great Vacuity Buddha-King : The Figure of Seng’An Daoyi in the Context of Northern Dynasties Visual Culture). Cultural Relics Publishing House 文物出版社.
book chapters
2024 (forthcoming). Sceaux (dimensions esthétique et fonctionnelle). In François Gipouloux (Ed.) Dictionnaire de la Chine impériale tardive (1368-1911). CNRS-Editions.
2024 (forthcoming). Wei Lia, Francesca Berdin, Anna Le Menach and Paula Suméra. Les cinq couleurs de l'encre 墨分五色 : à propos de l'exposition du 8 juin 2022 à l'Inalco. In: Marie Laureillard et Isabelle Le Mat (Eds.) Usages et Valeurs du Noir. Presses de l'Inalco.
2024 (forthcoming). Visual Journey to Kunlun: Clay Models of a Mountain Found in Eastern Han Cliff Tombs, Southwest China. In Adam Yuet Chau (Ed.) Chinese Religious Culture in 100 Objects. Oxford University Press.
2019. Wei, Lia. Epigraphy in the Landscape: Intersections with Contemporary Ink Painting & Land Art. In: Gheorghiu Dragos and Theodor Barth (Eds). Conversation Pieces: Artistic Practices and Archaeological Research. Archaeopress: 125-144.
2018. Wei, Lia and Rupert Griffiths. Tunneling between Landscape and Artefact: An Itinerary of Points and Vectors. In: Kamvasinou, K. and Stringer, B. (Eds.). Reimagining Rurality. ORO Editions: 172-185.
2016. Wei, Lia. 實驗考古的前后 一座砂岩崖墓的復制過程 (Before and After Experimental Archaeology : Replicating a 2nd century CE cave burial in sandstone). Rock Art Research Vol.1 岩畫研究第1 輯. Central University for Nationalities 中央民族大學:148-161.
2016. Wei, Lia. 岩畫學中的空間分析:方法與學術述評 (The Concept of Space in Rock Art Studies : a Review). Proceedings of Young Researchers Rock Art Conference. Central University for Nationalities 中央民族大學 : 115-128.
2015. Wei, Lia. A Technological Analysis of the Eastern Han Rock-Cut Burials in Citangpo, Anyue County, Sichuan Province. Proceedings of International Conference on Dazu Studies. 大足學國際學術研討會論文集. Chongqing Publishing House 重慶出版社.
2014. Wei, Lia. 復古與地區創新—綿陽漢闕在六世紀佛教中的再利用 (The Mianyang Pillars: a Case of 6th century Re-use of a Han Que Funerary Gate : Archaism and Regional Innovation). In Qin Zhen 秦臻 (ed.) Theory, Method and Practice in the Art Historical and Archaeological Study of Stone Carving in Dazu 理論、方法與實踐——美術考古與大足學研究. Chongqing Publishing House 重慶出版社: 160-176.
book reviews
2019. Wei, Lia. Joy Lidu Yi: Yungang: Art, History, Archaeology, Liturgy. xii, 242 pp. London and New York: Routledge, 2018. ISBN 978 1 138 04990 1. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 82, Issue 1 February 2019, pp. 197-199.
2020. Wei, Lia, Zhang Qiang and Ronald Van Belle. Lithic Impressions III: From Stone to Ink on Paper. Van De Wiele Publishing.
2019. Wei, Lia and Zhang Qiang (Ed.) INK BRUSSELS 2019. Annual of Advanced Research in Ink Art. Culture and Art Publishing House 文化藝術出版社.
2019. Wei, Lia. Lithic Impressions II: From Stone to Ink on Paper. Annual of Advanced Research in Ink Art. Culture and Art Publishing House 文化藝術出版社.
2018. Wei, Lia. Lithic Impressions I: From Stone to Ink on Paper. Annual of Advanced Research in Ink Art. Culture and Art Publishing House 文化藝術出版社.
2012 & 2013. Wei, Lia and Zhang Qiang. 雙面書法:水墨如何被抽象 Biface Graphy : an Experiment in Abstract Ink Painting. 2 volumes. Chongqing publishing house 重慶出版社.
Communications récentes
2024. A Sacred mountain of One's Own: Four Inscribed Landscapes by Zheng Daozhao (455-516) and their Audience, 20-22 June, Doctoral school & Public Lecture, organized by the Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, with the support of the University of Britsh Columbia FROGBEAR project "From the ground up: Buddhism and East Asian religions".
2024. Marquage épigraphique de la montagne en Chine médiévale: mobiles et devenir des paysages inscrits par Zheng Daozhao (455-516), at the occasion of the 3rd table ronde PEER "Approches spatiales des liens entre le religieux et l'écologique" organized by Edouard L'Hérisson and Fiona Pugliese, 27-28 mai 2024, Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse.
2024. 書聖的塑造:中古模雅的現代回响 (The modern reception of medieval moya : The Making of a calligrapher Sage), 18 April, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou.
2024. The Modern Reception of Medieval Moya: How Immaterial Writing and Selective Memory Shape a Calligrapher's Persona, at the session "Calligraphy Modernisation in East Asia: Cross-Regional Approach" organized by Eugenia Bogdanova-Kummer, AAS Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, 18 March 2024, Seattle.
2023. Three-dimensional representation in Chinese rubbings of inscribed objects since the 18th century : a culture-specific approach to materiality and authenticity Oral presentation, 7 December 2023), at "Reproducing Antiquity beyond 2D: Three-Dimensional Replicas between Scholarly Practice and Museum Exhibition", organized by Daniela Williams at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
2023. Survey methods, disciplinary boundaries and cultural policies: Cliff burials at the frontiers of Chinese history (Invited conference, 2 November 2023), organized by Lia Genovese at the Siam Society, Bangkok.
2023. Forms of “Cheap Monumentality” rather than “Civilization Moving Upstream”: Confronting historical and archaeological data in the study of southwards routes in the Upper Yangzi River area (Oral presentation, 12 October 2023), at "The Mobility of Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples in the Margins of China: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives". organized by Aurore Dumont and Alexis Lycas at Sorbonne Université, Paris.
2023. Methodological remarks in the study of Seng'An Daoyi (Oral presentation, 28 June 2023), at "International Conference of Epigraphic Culture in East Asia", Academy of Korean Studies and Korea University, Seoul.
2023. Documenting Inscriptions in China: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Roundtable, 26 June 2023), organized by Manuel Sassmann (Heidelberg Academy of Science), with Xue Lei (Oregon University), Yan Weitian (University of Indiana) and Michael Hatch (Miami University), AAS-in-Asia 2023, Daegu.
2023. Inscriptions et sceaux sur les estampages exposés à l’Inalco: trajectoires de l’objet inscrit et profils de ses utilisateurs (Oral presentation, 29 March 2023), at "Pratique de l’estampage en Chine : Matérialité, transmission, reception", organized by Michela Bussotti and Lia Wei at Inalco, Paris.
2023. L’estampeur à l’épreuve du terrain : retour sur quelques découvertes récentes en épigraphie médiévale (Oral presentation with Zhang Qiang, 29 March 2023), at "Pratique de l’estampage en Chine : Matérialité, transmission, reception", organized by Michela Bussotti (EFEO-CCJ) and Lia Wei at Inalco, Paris.