Young Researchers Nepal" workshop, December 16

Thursday, December 16, 2021 - 9:00-16:00 - PLC (Paris 13e) - Room 3.15
Open to all with registration.
Contact: Rémi Bordes :
Workshop "Jeunes chercheur(e)s Népal"
This multidisciplinary workshop brings together Master's and PhD students from various universities, who have in common the fact that they are conducting research on Nepal. Their young work reflects both the state of a country and society on the move, and that of research where emerging themes and methodologies are shaping a new landscape.
Each participant will briefly present the state of his or her work and perspectives, in an approach deliberately accessible to non-specialists; then, guided by discussants around themes, participants will jointly elaborate some salient points. The day will converge on a roundtable dedicated to issues of field survey practice.
8:30am - Welcome of participants
9:00am - Presentation of the day
9:10-10:15am - Roundtable 1. Rite and history
10:15-11am - Roundtable 2. "Development"
11h-11h15 - Coffee break
11h15-12h45 - Round table 3. Political issues
12h45-14h15 - Lunch break
14h15-16h - Round table 4. Field methodologies

Atelier « Jeunes chercheur(e)s Népal » - Affiche (1.38 MB, .pdf)
Programme Atelier « Jeunes chercheur(e)s Népal » (758.7 KB, .pdf)