World Rromani Language Day, November 5

8 November 2021
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In 2015, November 5 was proclaimed "World Rromani Language Day" by UNESCO, with a view to encouraging the preservation of Rromani language and culture, helping their development and celebrating their importance. UNESCO believes that Rromani, like all other languages, contributes to human diversity, which is a source of strength for all societies. Inalco's Rromani language and civilization section is taking part in this event with a day of scientific presentations, poetry readings, film screenings and a concert.
Drapeau Rrom peint sur un mur de brique
Journée mondiale de la langue rromani © UNESCO / shutterstock‎
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World Rromani Language Day

Scientific exhibitions, poetry readings, film screenings and concert

Friday, November 5, 2021 - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm - Pôle des langues et civilisations (PLC) - Room 5.09
Inalco - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013

Free admission and mask required

Organization:Inalco's ASUH department and Association Ternikano Berno de Sevran


Program (provisional)

10:00 am - Welcome of participants
10:15 am - Opening of the conference, Tribute to Marcel Courthiade by Aurore Tirard
10:30am - History of the teaching of r(r)romani at Inalco by Aurore Tirard
11:15am - Coffee break
11:45am - Rromani literature: after centuries of oral communication, the Rromani write! by Jeanne Gamonet
13:00 - Poem reading by Jeanne Gamonet
12:45 - Lunch break
14:30 - First linguistic approaches to the Rromani language from the 15th to the end of the 18th century by Elisabeth Clanet
15:15 - Anthroponymy (surnames, first names, surnames) among the Wallachian Rromani from the 14th to the 19th century by Julieta Rotaru
4:00 pm - Coffee break
4:30 pm - O rromano them si i rromani ćhib by Brahim Musić
5:15 pm - Poetry reading on language, musical accompaniment on guitar and accordionby Hasan Fazlijeviќ, Elvin Musić, Brahim Musić, Jaško Ramić
17h45 - Projection of the unpublished film Rroms exiled in France directed by Adriano Dželadin and the Ternikano Berno association
19h00 - End of the day


Elisabeth Clanet dit Lamanit, former DGESCO project manager for the education of itinerant pupils
Jeanne Gamonet, Rromani writer, researcher in Rromani language and literature
Brahim Musić, president of the Ternikano Berno "Cercle de Jeunesse" association
Jaško Ramić, accordionist, soloist and arranger with the Haidouti Orkestar brass band
Julieta Rotaru, editor-in-chief of the journal Romani Studies (Gypsy Lore Society), lecturer in Rromani at Inalco
Aurore Tirard, referent teacher for the Rromani language and civilization section at Inalco

Association Ternikano Berno de Sevran