"Without yes, it's forbidden": a national campaign on consent by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Since 2017, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has been fully committed to the fight against sexist and sexual violence (SGBV), in conjunction with institutions, associations and the research community. With this in mind, in 2018 the Ministry launched its first communication campaign specific to higher education and research, to accompany the gradual implementation of reporting mechanisms on campuses.
Despite reinforced actions and the beginnings of a collective awareness, universities and grandes écoles are still too often under the spotlight for VSS facts. That's why it seemed necessary to step up the efforts already underway, through the launch of a National Plan to Combat Sexist and Sexual Violence in Higher Education and Research 2021-2025. Comprising 21 measures, this multi-year plan mobilizes an unprecedented budget envelope of 7 million euros and aims to take a new step forward in preventing and dealing with situations of SGBV.
Among the plan's flagship actions is the launch of a national communication campaign on the notion of consent.
A campaign co-constructed with the association Sexe & Consentement
In order to build this campaign, the Ministry approached the association Sexe & Consentement, backed by its experience in the field and the numerous training and awareness-raising actions carried out with the higher education and research community over the past several years.
Building a common culture around consent
The development of communication at national level is essential to building a common culture around consent and the fight against SGBV in higher education and research. That's the aim of this campaign: to challenge, question and raise community awareness of the notion of consent.
This campaign is available to everyone: public and private higher education establishments are invited to seize it and bring it to life on their premises, in conjunction with student associations and their entire community.
Operation with the Konbini media
See the Instagram publication shared by Konbini (@konbini)
A listening unit is available to students, teachers.s and administrative staff at Inalco: you can contact the mission égalité referent Elisa Carandina and consult the harassment referent Benedicte David, office 4.30.
Dossier de presse - Un an du plan national de lutte contre les VSS - (2.07 MB, .pdf)