What's new? Inalco virtual tour

L'Inalco invites you on a virtual tour of its two sites: the Pôle des langues et civilisations - PLC (Paris 13ème), which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in autumn 2021, and the Maison de la recherche, Inalco's historic site (Paris 7ème).
Circulate through the Pôle des langues et civilisations, which has been home to all of Inalco's training courses since 2011. Passing through our reception hall, which also gives access to the Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC), wander through the floors and discover our exhibition gallery, auditorium, lecture halls, language laboratories, media library....
The virtual tour of the Maison de la Recherche allows you to discover this historic site, which houses the research units, the doctoral school, the Presses de l'Inalco, the research department, the Fondation Inalco and other heritage treasures, from a distance. Explore the Hôtel de Bernage, which retains its original north wing, inner courtyard and grand staircase, historic salons, mosaic floors... You'll find plenty of information on the paintings, statues and busts that illustrate this building steeped in history.
Happy visiting!