Webinars "Recherche de stage" and "Objectif 1er emploi" with Apec on February 7 and 15
Campus life

Webinar ANTICIPATE YOUR INTERNSHIP SEARCH - Tuesday, February 7, 1pm to 2pm
Methodology in 10 tips to help you in your internship search:
- Construct an action plan
- Get to know yourself better to better position yourself
- Clarify your search objectives
- Locate your "potential" market and the companies that are recruiting
- Develop effective and attractive tools
- Oser communicate and go out to meet the professionals
- Develop your online visibility to be spotted
- Be proactive to stand out from the "competition" candidates
- Prepare your presentation and argumentation to succeed in interviews
- Secure your professional integration period in a company
Web-OBJECTIF PREMIER EMPLOI workshop - Wednesday February 15, 16:30 to 18:30
This group workshop is led by an Apec consultant specializing in the career paths of young graduates. It is designed to guide and advise you in your job search, with the main aim of defining a personalized action plan.
During this web-workshop, you will:
- discover useful Apec tools or services for each of your actions
- challenge your search leads
- exchange with other Inalco students
- construct your short-term action plan
Individual follow-up will be offered by Apec to ensure your action plan is implemented.
How to participate
To attend these webinars, you must create an Apec account and register by clicking via the links above. This operation only takes a few minutes!
Once your registration has been validated, a Teams connection link will be sent to you by the consultant in charge of facilitation.
In the event of any problems when creating your profile, contact 0 809 36 12 12