Video competition on the prevention of cybersexism

Communication on social networks, on private or group messaging, sometimes induces forms of violence linked to gender and sexuality: sexist insults, assaults linked to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity in particular. Cyberstalking or cyberviolence is one of the most widespread forms of gender, sexist and sexual violence.
This is why students at Inalco are today invited to take up the theme of cybersexism in the university environment by producing short, original and unpublished prevention videos.
Participation terms
- The competition is free;
- It is open to students enrolled during the year 2021-2022 in one of the institutions of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance, including Inalco;
- The videos, no longer than 3 minutes and in MP4 format, may have been made by several participants constituted as a team of no more than three people.
- Deadline for sending videos: October 18, 2021 to
- Jury review of videos: betweenNovember 2 and 15, 2021
- Award ceremony: November 25, 2021
At the end of the selection process, three prizes will be awarded:
- a First Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €1,500.00
- a Second Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €1,000.00
- a Third Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €500.00
Consult the competition rules
Mission égalité femmes-hommes
Isabelle Konuma:
Definition of cybersexism
"the use of various online or mobile connection tools for the purpose of insulting, harassing, humiliating, spreading rumors, ostracizing, exerting external coercion on an individual who cannot easily defend themselves alone or who is under domination".
Sigolène Couchot-Siex (dir), Benjamin Moignard (dir), Gabrielle Richard et al., Cybersexism. Une étude sociologique dans les établissements scolaires franciliens, Rapport de recherche du Centre Hubertine Auclert - OUEIP, 2016, p. 13.