Tribute to Salem Chaker and Abdellah Bounfour, emeritus professors at Inalco

The LACNAD (Langues et Cultures du Nord de l'Afrique et Diasporas) held a ceremony at the Maison de la Recherche to pay tribute to its colleagues:
- Salem Chaker, Professor of Berber Linguistics at Inalco until 2008 and founder of the Centre de Recherche Berbère (in 1990) which became Lacnad (in 2006)
- Abdellah Bounfour, Professor of Berber Literature at Inalco until 2015.
This ceremony was an opportunity to present them with the collective work Les Études Berbères à l'ère de l'institutionnalisation de tamaziɣt published in tribute to their essential contribution to Berber studies with contributions from their colleagues and friends.
The President of Inalco, Mr. Jean-François Huchet, did us the honor and pleasure of speaking during this ceremony.

Les Études Berbères à l'ère de l'institutionnalisation de tamaziɣt
Mélanges en l'honneur de Salem Chaker et Abdellah Bounfour
Daniela Merolla, Dominique Caubet, Kamal Naït Zerad et Philippe Cassuto (éds)
Editions L'Harmattan, Collection " Tira-Langues Littératures et civilisations berbères ", July 2021
This book is a collection of articles on the current state of Berberizing research as much as a message of deep respect and friendship to Salem Chaker and Abdellah Bounfour, two intellectuals who left an indelible mark on Berber studies in the phase of postcolonial maturity and the historic passage of the recognition of Amazigh as an official and national language in Algeria, Morocco and more recently Libya.