Teaching and science" round table. Around the collection "Un homme rare": Michel Chicouène (1936-2017). Russian and Lithuanian Studies, September 24

Event organized by Presses de l'Inalco and the laboratory SEDYL - Structure et Dynamique des Langues - (CNRS-IRD-Inalco).
Friday, September 24, 2021 - 16:00-19:00 - Room 5.21
Inalco, PLC (65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013)
Roundtable "Teaching and Science"
organized on the occasion of the publication of the collection "Un homme rare" : Michel Chicouène (1936-2017). Études russes et lituaniennes
Rémi Camus, Hélène de Penanros (éd.), Presses de l'Inalco, September 2021
Entrée sur inscription auprès de:
remi.camus@inalco.fr et helene.depenanros@inalco.fr
Port du masque obligatoire.
Presential and visio event.
The Presses de l'Inalco are publishing an in memoriam volume entitled "Un homme rare". Michel Chicouène 1936-2017. Russian and Lithuanian Studies.
In this tribute to our eminent colleague, a common thread can be followed: the close relationship established between, on the one hand, the aims of language teaching and, on the other, linguistic research.
It is generally agreed that the knowledge transmitted in the classroom benefits from being based on positive knowledge; this is referred to as "popularization in the noble sense". On the other hand, the reciprocal is less well received: a scientific perspective oriented by the needs of the language classroom and nourished by teaching practice. This movement does not have the common, noble name it deserves. We often pretend to believe that science feeds only on itself! M. Chicouène's work provides this round table with an opportunity to illustrate the possibility - the necessity? - of a consubstantial link between linguistic science and language teaching. The career of this great Russian and Lithuanian scholar testifies to the double requirement of hard work and humility that such a cresting path imposes; his pedagogical and scientific successes militate in favor of this difficult path.
Round table opened by Jean-François HUCHET, President of Inalco
Speakers: Rémi CAMUS (Inalco, SEDYL), Hélène DE PENANROS (Inalco, SEDYL), Daniel PETIT (ENS, EPHE), Odile RACINE (Inalco, PLIDAM), Serguei SAKHNO (Sorbonne Université), Sophie VASSILAKI (Inalco, SEDYL)
Closing remarks: Yves CHICOUENE, Denis CHICOUENE