Take part in a video competition on gender inequality in sport
28 November 2023
The Equality Network of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance is launching the third edition of its video competition, open to male and female students. Echoing the 2024 sports news marked by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this year's theme is gender inequalities in sporting circles. Videos (3 minutes maximum) must be returned by January 5, 2024. Three prizes of between €1,500 and €500 are up for grabs. Be creative!

Contenu central
Today, within the university and professional sports world, many forms of discrimination persist. Women and sexual and gender minorities often find themselves isolated, even invisibilized, and face acts of physical, sexual or psychological violence. Nevertheless, everyone is resisting and mobilizing to make a lasting place for themselves in all disciplines.
The ASPC network invites students to take up the theme of "Gender Games" and take part in building a more inclusive and tolerant sporting world by making short, original and original prevention videos.
Participation terms
- The competition is free.
- It is open to students enrolled during the year 2023-2024 in one of the institutions of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance, including Université Paris Cité.
- The videos, of 3 minutes maximum and in MP4 format, may have been made by several participants constituted in teams of up to three people.
- The videos are to be sent via File Sender (any other means of transfer will not be accepted) to the email address concours-video.aspc@u-paris.fr You will receive an acknowledgement email in return.
To send your video via File Sender
- Step 1: log in to File Sender with your Université Paris Cité credentials
- Step 2: click on "Deposit a file", select your file, don't forget to accept the terms and conditions of the service then click on "Send"
- Step 3: go to "Manage your deposits", click on the "+" icon and copy the download link
- Step 4: from your university e-mail space, send the download link to concours-video.aspc@u-paris.fr
- Deadline for submitting videos: January 5, 2024 at concours-video.aspc@u-paris.fr
- Jury review of videos: January 17
- Prize presentation: January 25
At the end of the selection process, three prizes will be awarded:
- a First Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €1,500
- a Second Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €1,000
- a Third Prize, accompanied by an endowment of €500