Summer School "Foundations and Practices of Diplomacy" - August 16 to 21

The "Foundations and Practices of Diplomacy" summer school presents the foundations and practices of diplomatic activity and aims to familiarize students with developments in the latter, in a context marked by the shift of global issues to the South, the dilution of sovereign activities and the diversification of actors in the diplomatic field.
Students will learn about diplomatic frameworks, processes and methods, and become familiar with the different contexts - bilateral or multilateral - in which international negotiations are conducted.
The course also enables students to develop skills in applied diplomacy. At the end of this summer school, students will be able to formulate an analysis of diplomatic processes and methods. They will be able to identify the particularities of the various practices in this sphere of activity, draft diplomatic documents and identify the strategies to be favored in the context of an international negotiation exercise.
Implemented thanks to the Samuel de Champlain Program of the Consulate General of France in Quebec City and the Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire, and the partnership between Inalco's International Relations department and the Ecole nationale d'administration publique de Montréal (ENAP), the summer school is free of charge for Inalco students.
Open primarily to graduates and students of the International Relations master's program, as well as to L3 International Relations graduates, it is also accessible to students of other Inalco master's programs within the limits of available places (applications examined as they come in, within the limits of available places)
Teaching will be delivered in a hybrid mode, with face-to-face classes in Montreal and distance learning.
Information, indicative program and registration: