Study day: "Places of politics in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe, 1790-1990", May 20, in hybrid format

The opening ceremony of the Hungarian Parliament in Pest on July 5, 1848. Lithograph by August von Pettenkofen
Event in hybrid organized by the Société française d'histoire politique (SFHPo), in partnership with the Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie - CREE (Inalco), the Integration and Cooperation in the European Space - ICEE (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), the Interuniversity Center for Hungarian and Finnish Studies -CIEH-CIEFI, the French Society for Russian and East European Studies in the Social Sciences - SFERES and the Connaissance de l'Europe médiane (CEM).
Friday, May 20, 2022 - 09:00-16:00 - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco - Maison de la Recherche - 2, rue de Lille, Paris 7ème
To attend this face-to-face event, registration required.
To attend remotely: zoom login
Meeting ID: 864 1634 1902
Secret code: 127180
Les lieux du politique en Europe centrale, orientale et balkanique, 1790-1990
Première journée d'études : Institutional places
The Société française d'histoire politique (SFHPo) is a young scientific association whose aim is to promote and develop research carried out in the specialty of "politics", at all scales and in a variety of disciplines: history, political science, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, geography, law... It aims to bring together in a single structure researchers - doctoral students, young PhDs, novice and established teacher-researchers - whether they are professionally active in higher education, secondary education or even in professions outside teaching.
At its general meeting on June 11, 2021, the SFHPo has chosen "The places of politics" as its first theme for work and research. In this context, the regional working group on Medieval Europe, set up on September 6, 2021, proposed the organization of a study day and chose the following title: "Les lieux du politique en Europe centrale, orientale et balkanique, 1790-1990" (Places of politics in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe, 1790-1990).
Several partners quickly joined forces to support this proposal: the Centre interuniversitaire d'études hongroises et finlandaises (CIEH-CIEFI), EA 2291 of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle "Intégration et coopération dans l'espace européen" (ICEE), the Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie (CREE) of Inalco, the Société française pour les études russes et est-européennes en sciences sociales (SFERES) and the GDR Connaissance de l'Europe médiane (CEM).
Long regarded as peripheral, Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe - a heterogeneous space nonetheless possessing certain clearly identifiable dynamics of its own - has gradually regained its place in a dynamic and renewed historiography thanks to the contributions of transnational, global or connected history. The organizers of this study day are therefore part of both this heritage and this epistemological mutation, which is still relevant today.
The importance of the geographical perimeter considered is matched here by a maximum extension of the chronological field, extended to the whole of the contemporary period. The aim is to enable a broad appropriation of the theme and to offer the opportunity for comparative analyses, between countries and eras. Naturally, all kinds of sources and archives (textual, visual, graphic, etc.) can be used. However, the scope of the theme chosen means that the approaches adopted will need to be narrowed down, and the event will need to be spread over several years. The organizers have already decided to propose a multi-annual event, planned over three years, until 2024.
The essential angles selected and proposed for discussion for this first study day concern institutional locations:
- the spatial dimension of the expression of the cultures and sociabilities of deliberative assemblies and their animators: the configuration of the headquarters of parliaments and local provincial assemblies, the permanent offices and offices of elected representatives and their secretaries or collaborators, commissions of inquiry, refreshment stands, brasseries, banquets...
- organizations: the headquarters, establishments and permanent offices of political parties, trade unions, leagues; the configuration of their congresses, meetings and gatherings...
- national or international conferences, whether strictly political, diplomatic or technical.
Organization and contacts:
Matthieu Boisdron (Nantes Université):
Etienne Boisserie (CREE, Inalco):
Christine Manigand (ICEE, Paris 3):