Study day "New representations of exile (Maghreb, Mashreq)", September 13

Organized by the research teams of the Centre de recherche Moyen-Orient et Méditerranée - CERMOM (Inalco), the Langues et Cultures du Nord de l'Afrique et Diasporas - LACNAD (Inalco) and the Centre des études arabes et orientales - CEAO (Sorbonne Nouvelle).
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 08:30-18:30 - PLC - Auditorium
Inalco, 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
New representations of exile (Maghreb, Machrek)
This study day will propose to question the new forms of displacement experienced in today's world. Often, these displacements take the form of forced exile.
Taken in its broadest sense, i.e. departure from the country of origin to an elsewhere, exile acquires other meanings from the conditions of the exile's departure and arrival. We believe these conditions are important to analyze, as they determine the term we attribute to those who leave their homeland. Here are just a few examples: immigrant, emigrant, displaced, refugee, exile, expatriate, foreigner, harrag, etc. This multiplicity of meanings calls for a multidisciplinary approach to better define the exile in his or her new space.
Deeply affected by the experience of displacement/eradication, this exile, sometimes writer, poet or artist, bequeaths us interesting works to study, where the intimate and the political intersect. It is therefore essential to examine the new forms of literary and artistic expression of exiled authors.
How should we deal with the traumas of exile? How does the separation from the culture of origin lead the exile to form himself in the host culture? How does the break with the mother tongue express itself in literary or artistic terms? All these issues and many more are part of the stakes of this study day.
Organization and contacts:
Ibrahim Akel, CEAO (Sorbonne Nouvelle):
Nawel Alhaleh, CERMOM (Inalco):
Hanane Laguer, LACNAD (Inalco):