Study day on the Amazigh (Berber) Internet

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Research House (Auditorium),
2 rue de Lille
75007 Paris
In this study day, we will examine how the "Amazigh" (Berber) web contributes to identity discourses, both locally and trans-regionally, through the highlighting - among other things - of artistic and cultural elements. The dizzying expansion of the Internet in recent years has renewed and developed the discourse on identities. Amazigh populations, both in their homelands and in the diaspora, are influenced by the effects of this expansion, and by the relationships between localization and globalization that have accompanied the Internet's reception. We therefore question how transnationalism, brought about by the deterritorialization of new media, and national and local specificities are brought to the fore by the creation and dissemination of discourses of identification which, in the Amazigh case, highlight local linguistic variation and information from a particular region or diasporic group. These two processes are not isolated on the Net, as Internet users participate in the discourses and actions of their local and transnational offline communities. The speakers are specialists in various disciplines (literature, linguistics, journalism, sociology), and bringing together their different approaches is sure to enrich our understanding of the social and literary processes of the "Amazigh" Internet.
13:30 Welcome
14:00-14:45 Introduction and presentation Daniela Merolla, PU, INALCO. Intervention title: New media, transnationalism and creation: research on Amazigh websites.
14h45-15h30 Abdelaziz Blilid, MC University of Beni Mellal (Morocco). Title of presentation: La " webosphere " berbère et le rôle des sites web dans la propagation des revendications culturelles en Afrique du Nord.
15h30-16h15 Mena B. Lafkioui, PU/Directeur de recherche CNRS, École des hautes études en sciences sociales EHESS, Paris. Title of presentation: Amazighité, alphabétisation et médias électroniques.
16h30-17h15 Kamal Naït Zerad (PU, Inalco). Intervention title: Linguistic and scriptural aspects in Berber websites.
17h15-18h00 Hamza Amarouche, PhD student in co-tutorship, currently at Johann Wolfgang van Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Talk title: Amazigh online journalism between literary space and activism.
18:00-18:20 General discussion