Student association charter signed

Associations play an essential role in animating the institution's student life, and students' associative commitment contributes to their personal and intellectual fulfillment, promotes their affirmation as citizens, and develops their sense of belonging to the institution. Recognizing the social utility of associative life and its interest, both for students and for its own outreach, Inalco intends to encourage and support its associations.
The establishment counts 18 associations, including 4 newly created this year: Bulkkot (student association of the Korean Studies department), Inal'Chess (chess games association), INALCEI (association of constructed languages and imaginary writings) and Liberté en poème.
Inalco is therefore setting up this charter for student associations, the aim of which is to provide a framework for associative life and actively contribute to its development, while preserving the independence of associations. It defines the procedures for granting Inalco student association status, as well as material and financial assistance. It determines the rights and duties of associations recognized as "Inalco student association" and commits signatories to respecting rules of good conduct.
Charte Asso_etudiantes Inalco 2023 (323.65 KB, .pdf)