Student aid schemes

Social aid and psychological support
The CROUS de Paris social service
Social assistants are tasked by the CROUS with implementing the specific aid scheme (one-off aid, annual allowance). You will need to submit a DSE application. For further information, you can contact the social service of the CROUS de Paris or find out more on
Permanence at Inalco
The social assistant at Inalco is Madame Rabai. To get in touch, send an e-mail to:
Psychological support sessions
These are open to all Parisian students, regardless of the higher education institution they attend. The aim is to welcome, support and/or guide students towards a treatment approach. Consultations are confidential and free of charge for students.
- APASO: Appointments can be made with the APASO-Paris secretariat on 01 40 47 55 47 or by mail. APASO also offers permanent legal.
- NIGHTLINE : By chat or telephone (01 88 32 12 32, from 9:30pm to 2am weekdays). For more information: Nightline Paris
- HAPPSY LINE : You can book an appointment by message by leaving your first and last name and telephone number (06 27 86 91 83) and on the website: Happsy Line
- BAPU: The Bureaux d'Aide Psychologique Universitaire (BAPU) have set up facilities to receive urgent requests by telephone and/or e-mail, in order to respond quickly and in the best possible way, and ensure continuity of care at a distance for students usually received. BAPU consultations are reimbursed at 100% by social security organizations.
- ÉCOUTE ÉTUDIANTS ÎLE-DE-FRANCE: With the support of the Region, the FondaMental Foundation provides students in psychological distress due to health problems with a free, anonymous platform for listening and advice on how to deal with their problems themselves or get help. The Region pays for 3 consultations with a psychologist by videoconference if required. More information here.
You'll find other free psychological hotlines on the MIE website.
Santé Psy Étudiant
The Santé Psy Etudiant scheme run by the Service de Santé Universitaire (SSU) enables you to benefit from eight free 45-minute sessions with a psychologist with no advance payment.
Details and procedure for benefiting
Spousal violence
All forms of spousal violence are prohibited by law, whether they affect a man or a woman, and whether they are physical, psychological or sexual. If you are a victim, you can call 3919, the national number for domestic violence.
Food aid
Aid for essential purchases
Inalco continues to offer aid for essential purchases in the form of €50 Carrefour e-cards.To benefit, you need to make an appointment with the social worker send an e-mail to
Food aid from the Crous
The Inalco cafeteria and University Restaurants offer complete, balanced meals at lower cost. Compose a menu for €3.30 (for non-scholarship students) or €1 (for scholarship students) and eat in or take away.
Find opening times on the Crous website or on the Crous Mobile app.
The Paris AGORAé organize food parcel distributions open to all, every Saturday from November 20 to December 19 at, 45 rue des Saint Pères. For more information: AGORAé
Food baskets or ready-made meals, as well as hygiene kits, are available to all students. To benefit from this food aid, sign up by sending an email to and come and collect your parcel on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30pm to 8pm at 13 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf. Further information: Linkee
Secours Populaire
Workshops are held to provide food and clothing assistance. Every Tuesday from 12 to 4pm and every Friday from 11am to 2pm, at 6 rue Albert Bayet. To benefit from these aids, you need to register by sending an e-mail to For more information: Secours Populaire
Épicerie sociale étudiante du Secours Populaire
Since January 12, 2021, a social grocery store has been open at 3-11 rue Nicole-Reine Lepaute (13e). Dry goods, fruit, vegetables and hygiene products are available. Each visit will cost €2, with a maximum of one visit every 3 weeks. For more information: Social grocery.
Restos du coeur
The Restos du Cœur association, has opened a reception and food aid center dedicated to students with accommodation in Paris. Distributing baskets of dry and frozen goods as well as hygiene kits, this center is accessible, upon registration, on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 9pm, at 8 rue Francis de Croisset. For more information: Restos du coeur
Association Cop'1 - Solidarités étudiantes
During the lockdown, free food baskets will be distributed at the MIE Bastille premises for students in need, regardless of means. The baskets can be made up of fruit and vegetables, canned goods, non-perishable foodstuffs such as rice or pastry dough, honey, bread... To benefit from the food baskets, you need to present your student card (or a school certificate) and send an email to : Distributions start on Friday November 27 from 5pm to 8pm, at the MIE Bastille premises (50 rue des Tournelles - 75003 Paris).
Eating out for cheap in Paris
In addition to Crous, you'll find other structures or apps offering food at reduced prices or even free services. For more information: here.
Financial aid
One-off aid / annual aid
Are you a student enrolled at an institution in Paris, under the age of 35 and facing difficulties?
You may be eligible for specific aid. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for one or both grants. For more information: One-off / annual aid.
Scholarship on social criteria
The Dossier Social Etudiant (or DSE) is the single procedure for applying for scholarships and university residence accommodation. For more information: Financing your studies with CROUS de Paris
Please note: You have the option of applying for a review of your entitlement to the social criteria grant during the health crisis, based on your 2020 income and not your 2018 income: Revision du droit-a-bourse
Aide exceptionnelle de solidarité
Students on scholarship will benefit from €150 in aid, which will be paid at the beginning of December with their usual monthly scholarship payment.
This aid also applies to salaried students under 25 who receive APL. This sum will be paid to them from November 27 by the CAF.
More information: Exceptional solidarity aid
Exceptional allowance from the city of Paris
Exceptional aid for Paris residents (for at least one month). The amount varies according to the recipient's situation to cope with temporary and unforeseen financial difficulties. More information: Allocation de la Ville de Paris.
Aide à l'installation - Logement
Students on scholarship from the Paris, Créteil and Versailles academies living in private housing (AILE) can benefit from installation aid of €500 to €1,000.
Aid against precariousness
Emergency number
The government has set up an emergency number for students in precarious situations to obtain emergency financial support or help from social services: 0 806 000 278 (price of a local call, not surcharged) is open to students Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Précarité menstruelle
La Ville de Paris et s'engage et mises à disposition des protections périodiques lavables dans les deux sites de la Maison Initiative des Etudiantes (50 rue des Tournelles ou 76bis rue de Rennes). Momentarily closed due to containment. For more information: Menstrual precariousness
The Linkee association and Restos du coeur distribute hygiene kits.
Inalco continues its commitment against menstrual precariousness!
Free menstrual protection dispensers are installed in the sanitary facilities on:
- 2nd floor: lecture hall corridor and student association corridor
- 3rd floor
- 4th floor
- 5th floor
You'll find tampons with and without applicators and normal flow and abundant flow pads.
(S)paces, innovative living and study spaces, are available for students to study, revise alone or in a group, or simply to spend a convivial moment while respecting sanitary rules. The spaces are equipped with a wifi connection and adapted, modular furniture. For more information and to find the list of these spaces: here.
You can also study in the municipal libraries. For more information:List of libraries.
Prevention and medical care
Le Fil santé jeunes enables you to talk to a health professional who provides answers to any need for listening, information, advice and guidance, in a free, confidential and anonymous expression. All subjects can be addressed: emotional and love life, sexuality, emergency contraception, abortion, pregnancy, body, illness, ill-being, depression, suicidal thoughts, access to reception and care centers...Toll-free number: 0 800 235 236
Every student enrolled for the first time at the university is subject to a medical check-up during the academic year.
To make an appointment: SSU de l'Université de Paris
SSU Paris Descartes - Centre de santé des Saints-Pères
Health center offering consultations in general medicine, medical gynecology, nursing, dental care and psychiatry. Appointments can also be made online
Digital aids
Loan of computers and/or 4G pebbles
Inalco is renewing the loan of computers and/or 4G pebbles for the 2022/2023 academic year to give a helping hand to students who have difficulty financing a computer or internet connection. This loan is entirely free of charge and offered only to students enrolled in a national diploma or institutional diploma.
You can apply to benefit from a laptop or a 4G pebble until the end of the academic year, subject to available quantities.
To do so, complete the following form and attach supporting documents relating to your situation by September 27, 2022 (11:59 pm) at the latest.
Any application received late or incomplete will be automatically rejected.
Dépliant - Structures d'écoute et de soutien psychologique et de soins psychiatriquess (170 KB, .pdf)