Solidarity with our colleague Fariba Adelkhah
6 July 2023
Two years after its call for solidarity, the Inalco Board of Directors reiterates its support for our colleague Fariba Adelkhah, scientific prisoner.

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Declaration by the Inalco Board of Directors
French-Iranian researcher Fariba Adelkhah, director of research at Ceri Sciences Po, winner of the 2020 Irène Joliot Curie "Woman Scientist of the Year" award, had been arrested in Tehran on June 5, 2019 and sentenced to five years' imprisonment "on spurious charges and outside any proper trial".
Assigned to house arrest at her home in Iran since October 2020, the researcher's support committee declared this January 12, 2022, to have learned with shock and indignation of her re-incarceration in Evin prison.
The Inalco Board of Directors and the institute's community condemn this new act of deprivation of freedoms and are outraged that the Iranian regime flouts freedom of research and holds scientific hostages.