Screening-debate: "Le ciel pleura quarante jours", by Sabrina Mervin, May 11

Screening-debate: The sky wept forty days
France | 2022 | 63 minutes | vostf
Free admission.
Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 18:00 - 20:00 - Maison de la recherche (2, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris) - Auditorium Dumézil
The journey, on foot, to the shrine of Imam Hossein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who found martyrdom in 680, takes at least three days. Along the way, figurines and representations re-enact the Imam's epic as if it had happened yesterday. Processions commemorate the return of the Imam's severed head to his body. Scene after scene unfolds, as the locals serve the pilgrims, offering them shelter, food and care. The sensitive camera merges with the crowd, the chanting, weeping and shouting, the rhythm and gestures of torso-striking in a climate of intense religious fervor.
The screening will be followed by a debate with director Sabrina Mervin (CNRS), Augustin Jomier, senior lecturer in history at Inalco, and students from the association Assila.
Historian and anthropologist, Sabrina Mervin is director of research at the CNRS. Her work focuses on Islam, particularly Shi'ism, in Lebanon and Iraq, but also in Iran and India.
See the trailer for the film Le ciel pleura quarante jourssur Youtube
Le ciel pleura quarante jours - Affiche (1.07 MB, .pdf)