Sarah Gimenez, winner of the prize for the best thesis (ex-aequo) in French-language Jewish studies

Étude critique du proverbier manuscrit d'I. S. Révah (Judéo-espagnol, Salonique, 1936)
Sarah Gimenez holds a PhD in linguistics and language didactics. Her thesis, defended in January 2021 at Inalco, focused on the critical edition of I.S. Révah's Judeo-Spanish proverbial manuscript (Salonika, 1936). She completed a Master 2 LLCER Hebrew and a Master 2 LLCE Spanish. Her Master 2 thesis in Spanish was entitled: "Les conversos portugais face à l'Inquisition en Espagne au XVIIe siècle : Le cas de Juan Nuñez Saravia". And her Master 2 dissertation in Hebrew: "Edition critique du proverbier judéo-espagnol (Salonique) d'Israël Salvator Révah".
She currently works as a Digital Humanities Engineer at Inalco and also collaborates with two ANR projects: ALIENTO and LJtrad.
The Société des études juives, the French Commission of Jewish Archives and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah award an annual French-language thesis prize for Jewish studies (anthropology, history, linguistics, literature, Jewish thought, philology, philosophy, biblical studies, rabbinical literature, sociology). The 2022 Prize concerns work defended in 2021 and not yet published.