Rooms in the Maison de la Recherche christened

Eight eminent figures from Inalco's history were finally chosen, either for the impact of their work in orientalism on scientific research, or for the turning point and renewal they brought to the life of the establishment. To pay tribute to them, plaques have been placed at the entrance to each room.
Auditorium: Georges Dumézil (1898-1986)
Linguist, historian of religions and anthropologist, his work focused on Indo-European societies and religions, with particular emphasis on the Caucasus. He held the Chair of Armenian at the Langues Orientales from 1937 to 1949.
Lounge (1st floor): Suzanne Borel (1904-1995)
A graduate of Chinese, she was France's first female diplomat, recruited by competitive examination in 1930. A member of several resistance networks during the Second World War, she held various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Petit salon (1st floor): Joseph Héliodore Garcin de Tassy (1794-1878)
Pioneer of Indian studies in the 19th century. Holder of the first Chair of Indology created for this language in 1828 at the Langues Orientales. Founder of the Société asiatique in 1822. His research and teaching focused on Islam, Hindustani and translations from Arabic, Turkish and Persian.
L2.05: Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy (1758-1838)
Professor of Arabic at the Langues Orientales, professor of Persian at the Collège de France, administrator of both institutions, president of the Société asiatique de Paris when it was founded in 1822. He was also perpetual secretary of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres and inspector of Oriental Types at the Imprimerie royale. He left his mark on all the major centres of French Orientalism.
L2.06: Denise Bernot (1922-2016)
Denise Bernot founded the teaching of Burmese at Inalco in 1963. Her knowledge of the Burmese language has been essential in the field of Burmese studies and Burmese linguistics.
L0.02: Vera Sokoloff (1905-1977)
Vera Sokoloff taught Malay for thirty-three years. She ensured that the study of Indonesian civilizations did not die out in France, at a time when travel was not as developed as it is today.
L0.04: Polymnia Lascaris (1884-1970)
Polymnia Lascaris taught Modern Greek at Inalco during the Second World War, from 1941 to 1946. She translated many texts into French and Greek, and published numerous works on modern Greek literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.
L0.06: Sulayman al-Hara'iri / Soliman al-Haraïri (1824-1877)
This scholar from Tunis was a ferryman of knowledge between the two shores of the Mediterranean. Jurist, translator, teacher and bibliophile, he was the first Arabic repetiteur at the Langues Orientales, from 1871 to 1877.