Publication of the book: La Palestine sur scène. A Palestinian theatrical experience (2006-2016)

The work by Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti stems from her thesis defended at Inalco under the supervision of Luc Deheuvels.
The practice of theater, which presupposes texts and performances, requires the coming together of specific material conditions. In the Israeli-Palestinian space, due to the powerful constraints imposed on Palestinians in their mobilities, this practice is painfully undermined.
Starting from this observation, this book proposes the study of a selection of Palestinian theatrical productions made during the decade 2006-2016. The study considers these productions in their total dimension: textual, scenic and performative. It proposes an examination of the ways in which spatiality is elaborated in these works and its interactions with the real space in which they unfold.
With the support of the Inalco Thesis Prize and the USR 3135 CNRS Ifpo.