Publication of the book: "Girls and institutions".

The Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) is pleased to announce the publication of the book written by Daria Serenko, Les filles et les institutions, translated and edited by Sylvia Chassaing and Antoine Nicolle at Sampizdat Éditions and prefaced by Laura Poggioli.
Girls work, girls cry, girls help each other and girls betray each other. In Putin's Russia, it's the girls who keep the cultural institutions going, under pressure from the state and often in spite of it. In this lyrical, feminist autofiction, Daria Serenko recounts her experience in a small Moscow public gallery and describes, with tenderness but without idealizing, the solidarity that can form between women in an authoritarian, patriarchal society. Daria Serenko, born in 1993, is a Russian writer and activist. Coordinator of the FAS (Feminist Anti-War Resistance) since the early days of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, she has become a central figure in the opposition to Russian power. Since the spring of 2022, she has been living in Georgia.
Daria Serenko is a young figurehead of Russian activism, coordinator of the Feminist Anti-War Resistance movement and recently declared a "foreign agent". Girls and Institutions is a short autofictional text describing the mechanisms of oppression within Russian cultural institutions.
Some illustrated excerpts were published on Desk Russia: