Publication of the book in Arabic: Innovation in the Syrian novel

The main aim of this research has been to analyze literary works identified as experimental, highlighting some of their narrative techniques. After exploring the beginnings of a Syrian experimental literature in the years 1970-1980 (chapter 1), we explored through a corpus of works written between 1990 and 2010 the treatment of time in the narrative (chapter 2), Whether it's a question of slicing up time, of stopping time to plunge into the intimacy of a character, or of recounting cyclical and repetitive time to represent the freezing social and political situation of Arab countries with no hope of progress. Chapter 3 explores the notions of the marvellous, the fantastic and the "uncanny" and their uses in the contemporary Syrian novel. Chapter 4 looks at language, showing how the experimental novel introduces polyphony and plays on hybridization and language registers to break the domination of the smooth, single official language and better translate the diversity of contemporary Syrian society. The fifth chapter deals with issues of hypertextuality, very present in the corpus: intertextuality, metatextuality and paratextuality (in particular literary thresholds). The conclusion takes stock of the narrative techniques highlighted by the research and which characterize the Syrian novel of this period: in particular, the rejection of the classical plot based on causality and linearity, the use of the strange and the disquieting, the democratization of language and hybridization with dialects, as well as the extensive use of hypertextuality.