Publication: "Approches linguistiques comparatives grec moderne-français" (S. Vassilaki, R. Delveroudi, E. Vlachou)

Modern Greek-French comparative linguistic approaches
Rea Delveroudi, Sophie Vassilaki, Evangelia Vlachou (eds.)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Press, 2022, 265 p.
The present volume offers a fairly broad panorama of the research themes developed through the GM-F comparative approach (...). The fields explored concern phonology and derivational morphology (K. Nikolou, G. Brunet), borrowing adaptation morphology (A. Ralli), computational linguistics (T. Kyriacopoulou, C. Martineau & M. Varkampetian), modifiers and degree intensifiers (F. Corblin, E. Vlachou), categorization and approximation markers (H. Vassiliadou & G. Fotiadou), the lexical-grammar interface through the case of psychological verbs (M. Pantazara) and metaphorical extensions of support verbs (A. Moustaki), the application of corpus linguistics to the analysis of political discourse (E. Tziafa & F. Kakoyianni-Doa), the semantics of fundamental markers, such as prepositions and negation, revealed by translation (F. Kakoyianni-Doa & M. Burston, F. Kazala), the metaphorical structuring of the mental lexicon illustrated by the treatment of frozen sentences (M. Voga & A. Anastassiadis-Symeonidis), the coordinating conjunction as procedural expression (S. Assimakopoulos, A. Piata & L. de Saussure).
Approches linguistiques comparatives grec moderne-français - Présentation et table des matières (2.44 MB, .pdf)