Professional forum 2022 edition
25 May 2022
The professional forum returns this year on February 17, March 22 and April 13, 2022, from 12pm to 5pm in the 2nd floor hall. Armed with your CV, come and meet the recruiters invited to develop your network and perhaps land a job or internship contract.

Contenu central
Organized every year by the SIO-IP, the professional forum brings together several national and international companies, NGOs or public institutions interested in the wealth and diversity of skills of Inalco students. It's an opportunity to get in touch with professionals, learn about the realities of recruitment, refine your career plan and better prepare for your entry into working life.
This year's event is divided into three themed days. Three major families of recruiters will be represented, enabling you to apply for internships, fixed-term contracts, permanent contracts and more.
- February 17: Ministries and national and international companies
- March 22: Public institutions (interpreting - translations), companies and associations
- April 13: Public institutions, cultural establishments, tourism/travel, associations
The professional forums are reserved exclusively for Inalco students.
3rd professional forum: institutions, establishments and associations present
- Association de la Fondation Étudiante pour la Ville (AFEV)
- Association pour l'emploi des cadres (APEC)
- Comité régional du tourisme Paris IDF et Junior Talent
- Communauté de communes de Moret Seine & Loing
- Cour nationale du droit d'asile (CNDA)
- Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure (DGSI)
- Edam
- EU Careers Ambassadors
- Groupe Pénélope
- Institut du Monde Arabe
- International tourism and medical provider
- L'Œuvre d'Orient
- Pour une Planète sans Frontières
- Vinopass
2nd professional forum: institutions, companies and associations present
- Armée de Terre
- Mister Bilingue
- Société française des traducteurs
- Dom'Asile
- Cour nationale du droit d'asile (CNDA)
- L'Œuvre d'Orient
- AFTCom - Agence Française de Traduction et de Communication
- EU Careers Ambassadors
- 1clic1prof
- ISM Interprétariat
1st professional forum: ministries and companies present
- CICR (International Committee of the Red Cross)
- Ministère des armées - Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS)
- Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Business France
- Préfecture de Police
- Armée de Terre
- Marine Nationale
- Natixis, corporate, investment and financial services bank