Presses de l'Inalco photo competition

How to participate
The competition will open on July 30. You can participate in three different categories (you can even participate in all three!):
- the road, the path 🛻 ;
- le farniente, letting go ⛱️;
- the strange, the incongruous ⛷️.
The winners will win a book 📗 of their choice from our collection and the most beautiful photos will be shared on our social networks!
To enter, visit Les Presses' Instagram publication published on July 30, 2024:
🗓️ You can send in your photos until Monday, September 9! We'll announce the winners on Thursday, September 12.
Photo contest rules - summer vacations 2024
Presses de l'Inalco - Direction de la recherche, de la valorisation et des études doctorales
Game organization
The Presses de l'Inalco department is organizing a photo contest on their personal Instagram account for summer 2024 to promote their catalog and expand their community.
Dates and duration of the contest
The contest runs from Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to Monday, September 9, 2024 inclusive. The designation of the winner will take place on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
Method of participation
The game takes place on Instagram around a publication dated July 30, 2024. As specified on the publication, participants must follow the page, like the publication and identify someone in a comment. They are then invited to submit their photographic proposals by message or e-mail.
Three categories have been defined:
1 - Category "route, chemin";
2 - Category "farniente, lâcher-prise";
3 - Category "l'étrange, l'incongru".
Only one entry per physical person is accepted in each category for the duration of the game. Participants must specify the number of the category in which their entry falls and give it a title. For example: "1- Photo de l'A6 ".
No specifications are imposed for the photograph, although insufficient quality of contributions may be taken into account by the jury.
The Presses de l'Inalco team will act as jury and choose one winner per category.
Responsibilities and rights
In general, participants waive any recourse, action or claim in connection with this competition.
Presses de l'Inalco reserves the right to disregard entries that run counter to its mission of promoting world cultures and languages.
By submitting their photos, participants agree that Presses de l'Inalco may reuse these photos on its website and social networks. They also confirm that they have the necessary authorizations concerning the image rights of the people, objects and places depicted.
The winner of each of the three categories will be able to choose a book of his or her choice from the Presses de l'Inalco book catalog, free of charge, subject to stock availability.
The list of eligible books can be viewed on the Presses de l'Inalco website:
The prizes offered may not give rise to any dispute as to their nature or to the giving of consideration of any kind whatsoever.
Participants acknowledge that they have read these rules, accept them unreservedly and comply with them.
The prizes may not under any circumstances be exchanged for other objects or services whatever their value, or even for cash. If a winner is unwilling or unable to take possession of his/her prize, he/she will not be entitled to any compensation.
The prize may not be the subject of a request for financial consideration, exchange or return, for any reason whatsoever.
The most beautiful photos, from the jury's point of view, will be shared on the Presses de l'Inalco social networks (with mention of the author of the contribution).
Les Presses de l'Inalco will contact the winners on Instagram to arrange a date and time to collect their prize from the Inalco premises. In the event of non-withdrawal of the prize before 1er November 2024 at 5pm, please refer to the paragraph "Winning not withdrawn".
The prizes will be available for collection at office L3.02 of Les Presses de l'Inalco, Maison de la Recherche de l'Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris.
A postal shipment can be made if the winner is unable to attend on site.
L'Inalco declines all responsibility for any incident that may occur during the use or enjoyment of the prize.
Win not withdrawn
Winners have until October 31, 2024, at 5:00 pm, to withdraw their prizes or notify Les Presses de l'Inalco of their postal address for shipment of the book. After this deadline, they may not claim any prize, compensation or indemnity of any kind whatsoever. The prize will be lost and may be awarded to another participant drawn at random.
Personal information
The only personal information collected during the competition will be used to contact the winners and send them their prizes (e-mail address or telephone number, first and last name, postal address). It will not be sold or transferred to third parties in any way whatsoever. In this context, the legal basis for processing participants' personal data is their consent. Once the prizes have been awarded to the winners, this data will be deleted.
Force majeure and reservations
In the event of force majeure or if circumstances so require, Inalco reserves the right to modify these rules, or to extend, postpone or cancel the competition. Inalco shall not be held liable for any such changes.
No recourse based on the conditions under which the competition was held or its results will be admitted. The jury is not obliged to justify its judgement.
Responsibility and acceptance of the rules
Participation in this competition implies pure and simple acceptance of the present rules in their entirety, including, as and when they become applicable, any riders and addenda. All practical difficulties of interpretation or application of the present rules will be decided by Inalco.
Any modification of the rules will give rise to a new deposit and will come into force as from its posting on the website. Any participant will be deemed to have accepted them simply by participating in the game, from the date the modification comes into force. Any participant refusing to accept the modification(s) shall be deemed to have waived his/her right to participate in the contest.
Deposit and consultation of the rules
The rules may be consulted on the Inalco website for the duration of the contest. In case of doubt, it will be possible to contact the organizing company at the following e-mail address: for further information.
The present rules will be sent free of charge to anyone who requests them.
Applicable law and competent court
The present contest is subject to French Law and the courts of Paris.