Presses de l'Inalco Lunar New Year competition

To participate
- Follow the Presses Instagram page:
- Liker the publication.
- Propose a name for the sculpture featured in the image!
The jury will value the most relevant and original proposals!
⚠️ Only one entry per person for the duration of the game.
You can enter until Wednesday, February 5.
The statuette featured in the photos will be presented in more detail on our Instagram page at the end of the contest.
Find the full rules below.
Game organization
The Presses de l'Inalco department is organizing a contest on their personal Instagram account for Lunar New Year 2025 to promote their catalog and expand their community.
Date and duration of the contest
The game runs from Wednesday, January 22 to Wednesday, February 05, 2025 inclusive. The designation of the winner will take place on Thursday, February 06, 2025.
Method of participation
The game takes place on Instagram around the publication of an image taken from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. According to what is specified on the publication, participants must follow the page and like the publication. They are then invited to suggest a title for the posted image in a comment.
Only one entry per physical person.
No defined sizing except that of the maximum number of characters per comment imposed by Instagram (2,200 characters).
The winner will be chosen by the Presses de l'Inalco team. The originality and relevance of the proposals will be valued.
The caption accompanying the image in the book and a more precise explanation will be shared on the social network (Instagram) at the beginning of February 2025.
Responsibilities and rights
In general, participants waive any recourse, action or claim in connection with this competition.
Les Presses de l'Inalco reserves the right to delete and therefore immediately invalidate any comment that runs counter to its mission of promoting world cultures and languages.
The author of the comment selected by the jury will win a book of his/her choice from the Presses de l'Inalco book catalog. He/she will be contacted by Presses de l'Inalco in the first half of February to let them know which book he/she would like to receive.
The list of eligible books can be consulted here:
The prize offered may not give rise to any dispute as to its nature or to the giving of consideration of any kind whatsoever.
Participants acknowledge that they have read these rules, accept them unreservedly and comply with them.
The prizes may not under any circumstances be exchanged for other objects or services of any value whatsoever, or even for cash. Should the winner be unwilling or unable to take possession of his/her prize, he/she will not be entitled to any compensation. The prize may not be the subject of a request for financial consideration, exchange or return, for any reason whatsoever.
Les Presses de l'Inalco will contact the winner on Instagram to arrange a date and time to collect their prizes from the Inalco premises. In case of non-withdrawal of the prize before April 1er, 2025 at 5 p.m., please refer to the paragraph "Winning not withdrawn".
The prizes will be available for collection at office L3.02 of Les Presses de l'Inalco, Maison de la Recherche de l'Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris.
A postal shipment can be made if the winner is unable to come on site.
L'Inalco declines all responsibility for any incident that may occur during the use or enjoyment of the prize.
Win not withdrawn
The winner has until April 1er, 2025, at 5 p.m. to withdraw his/her prize or notify Les Presses de l'Inalco of his/her postal address for shipment of the book. After this deadline, the winner will not be entitled to any prize, compensation or indemnity of any kind whatsoever. The prize will be lost and may be awarded to another participant selected by the jury.
Personal information
The only personal information collected during the competition will be used to contact the winner and send him/her his/her prize (e-mail address or telephone number, first and last name, postal address). It will not be sold or transferred to third parties in any way whatsoever. In this context, the legal basis for processing participants' personal data is their consent. Once the prize has been awarded to the winner, this data will be deleted.
Cases of force majeure and reservations
In the event of force majeure or if circumstances so require, Inalco reserves the right to modify these rules, or to extend, postpone or cancel the competition. Inalco cannot be held liable for any such changes.
Responsibility and acceptance of the rules
Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these rules in their entirety, including any amendments or additions as they become available. Any practical difficulties in interpreting or applying these rules will be settled by Inalco.
Any amendment to the rules will give rise to a new submission and will come into force as of its posting on the website. Any participant will be deemed to have accepted them simply by participating in the game, from the date the modification comes into force. Any participant refusing to accept the modification(s) will be deemed to have renounced participation in the contest.
Deposit and consultation of the rules
The rules may be consulted on the Inalco website throughout the duration of the contest. In case of doubt, it will be possible to contact the organizing company at the following e-mail address: for further information.
The present rules will be sent free of charge to anyone who requests them.
Applicable law and competent court
The present contest is subject to French law and the courts of Paris.