Presentation of Serge Dewel's works on the history of Ethiopia and East Africa

As part of the seminar "Patrimoines et politiques mémorielles" organized by Taline Ter Minassian at Inalco, Serge Dewel, historian specializing in Ethiopia and East Africa, will present his two latest books:
- Éthiopie, une histoire. Vingt siècles de construction nationale (L'Harmattan, October 2021)
- Histoire de l'Afrique de l'Est & centrale. Des États anciens au XXIe siècle (Editions Sépia, to be published in November 2021).
On this occasion, Serge Dewel will offer a talk relating his reasons for writing "national histories" as well as the approach taken. In so doing, it will be an opportunity to dramatize national construction in Ethiopia and East Africa.
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 4pm-6pm - PLC - Amphi 1
Free admission - Health pass and mask mandatory.
Inalco 65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris
Métro ligne 14 ou RER C arrêt Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Séminaire Patrimoines et politiques matérielles - Présentation d'ouvrages de Serge Dewel - Affiche (307.46 KB, .pdf)