PeTaLes doctoral seminar (Penser et Traduire autrement les Littératures)
Below is the program for the 2020-2021 year.

PeTaLes doctoral seminar (Penser et Traduire autrement les Littératures) 2020-2021 coordinated by Catherine Géry, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov and Louis Watier
Cultural history, the study of cultural transfers, World Literature, postcolonial studies and other studies (subaltern studies, women studies, gender studies....) invite us to think differently about literary phenomena, literary history and translation; no longer in terms of the influences exerted by cultures deemed "central" on cultures considered "peripheral", nor in terms of more or less stable and closed national identities, but in terms of circulation, cross-fertilization and hybridization. The seminar will consider both texts and cultural areas as places of passage open to transnational dynamics and contacts. While the notions of center and periphery work well when it comes to observing struggles for legitimacy and consecration within the global literary field, they need to be relativized when it comes to the dynamics of circulations and exchanges between actors, ideas and texts, which take place in multiple directions. The seminar therefore calls for a decentering of critical approaches, gaze and practices.
Program (sessions take place on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 pm):
- November 18, 2020, zoom (Link:
- Brief presentation by the three organizers + Anastassia Kozyreva (PhD student, Russian lit.)
- December 16, 2020, zoom (Link:
- Lili Teissier (PhD student Korean lit.) and Elena Gueorguieva (PhD student Bulgarian and Serbian lit.)
- January 27, 2021, zoom (Link:
- Pierre-Etienne Royer (PhD student Russian literature)
- February 17, 2021, zoom (Link:
- Abécédaire du traduire : Tiphaine Samoyault et Paolo Bellomo
- March 17, 2021, amphi 2 or zoom (Link:
- A primer on translating: Olivier Mannoni and Claire Placial
- April 14, 2021, amphi 2 or zoom (Link:
- Translator's primer: Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss)
Organization: Catherine Géry, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov and Louis Watier
Contact:, and
Programme_Séminaire doctoral PeTaLes (Penser et Traduire autrement les Littératures)_2020-2021 (556.88 KB, .pdf)