Overseas and social science research

Outre-mer and social science research: games of scale and sovereignty
This research seminar aims to contribute to the structuring of a research network on "Outre-mer" in the social sciences. Starting with, but not limited to, the French case (and thus extending the reflection to territories which, in one way or another, are in a situation of non-sovereignty or restricted sovereignty), the aim is to explore in particular post-colonial situations of political, economic, health dependence ; specific questions raised by the governance and uses of the maritime domain, and more broadly of natural resources; the reconfiguration of relations between "Souths" and "Nords" from the point of view of globalization or the articulation between public policies and indigenous knowledge.
Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard (INALCO, CESSMA)
Valelia Muni Toke (IRD, SeDyL), valelia.muni_toke@ird.fr
Elise Lemercier (University of Rouen, Dysolab)
Pierre-Yves Le Meur (IRD, SENS)
Elise Palomares (University of Rouen, DySoLab & Urmis)
Format: 2h, by videoconference (on registration)
Session on Friday March 10, 8am to 10am (Paris time)
Benjamin Néa (Université Paris Cité, Urmis)
Student migrations and decolonization in New Caledonia: from commissioned survey to doctoral research
Discussant: Ary Gordien (CNRS, University of Paris, Urmis)
Registration: https://framaforms.org/seminaire-om-seance-du-vendredi-10-mars-2023-08h…
Session Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 1:30-3:30 pm (Paris time)
Mamaye Idriss (CESSMA) and Stéphanie Condon (INED)
Gender violence and migration in La Réunion: a qualitative and quantitative approach
Discussant: Elise Lemercier (Université de Rouen, Dysola)
Registration: https://framaforms.org/seminaire-om-seance-du-mardi-28-mars-2023-13h30-…
Session on Friday, April 7, 2023, 9am-11am (Paris time)
Oona Le Meur (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Experiencing the making of customary law. Legal reasoning and its effects (New Caledonia)
Discussant: Natacha Gagné (Université Laval)
Registration: https://framaforms.org/seminaire-om-seance-du-vendredi-7-avril-2023-9h-…
Session on Friday, May 26, 2023, 9am-11am (Paris time)
Justine Berthod (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CREDA)
Living with chlordecone in Martinique: doubting everything, ignoring nothing. A reading from the post-colonial STS
Discussant: Pierre-Yves Le Meur (IRD, SENS)
Registration: https://framaforms.org/seminaire-om-seance-du-vendredi-26-mai-2023-9h-1…
Session on Friday, June 2, 2023
Marie Thiann-Bo Morel (Université de la Réunion)
Is a decolonial sociology on Reunion Island possible?
Time and discussant to be announced.
Registration: https://framaforms.org/seance-du-vendredi-2-juin-2023-1677365919