Opening of the international mobility campaign - Department of Chinese Studies - 2025/2026

Campaign opening date: October 11, 2024
Campaign closing date (deadline for returning applications): November 10, 2024 at 23:59
How to apply?
To apply for a mobility in the Department of Chinese Studies, click on the following link:
To apply for mobility under the Erasmus+ program, your application should be submitted on this form:
Don't wait until the last minute to submit your application. Start now: we will not process any late applications, whatever the reason (technical problem, illness, etc.)
For any administrative questions, you can contact:
- For mobilities in China, Taiwan and Singapore: Mr. Thomas Françon:
- For Erasmus+ mobilities: Ms. Lucille Daudenthun:
Pedagogical questions should be addressed to the international relations managers of the Chinese Studies Department, Mr. David SERFASS (, Mr. Jinja LI ( and Mr. Laurent GALY (
Présentation - Mobilités études chinoises 2025-26 (5.05 MB, .pdf)
Brochure département études chinoises 2025-26.pdf (458.33 KB, .pdf)
Bourses d'études du gouvernement chinois (CSC).pdf (462.34 KB, .pdf)