A new "Asies contemporaines" collection for Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée (PULM)

Collection "Asies Contemporaines"
The collection Asies contemporaines aims to provide a better understanding and knowledge of the extraordinary diversity of Asian worlds, their relationship to themselves and to the rest of the world, their internal dynamics marked as much by divergences, clashes and confrontations, as by compromises, affinities and rapprochements.
His directors, Pierre Journoud (professor of contemporary history, researcher at CRISES and director of the D.U. "Tremplin pour le Vietnam" at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) and Benoît de Tréglodé (research director and head of the Afrique-Asie-Moyen-Orient field at IRSEM, tenured researcher at the Centre Asie du Sud-Est at EHESS), wish to promote publications reflecting the richness of pasts and their representations, populations, political and military systems, languages, cultures and religions, territories and environments, levels of economic, social and educational development, etc.
Open to all the human and social sciences as well as to interdisciplinarity, the Contemporary Asias collection aims to offer a contemporary reading of the main Asian sub-spaces: Central Asia, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, but also the territories and seas of the Pacific, from the coasts of Japan to Papua New Guinea.
This book is based on field research and first-hand sources, and places the all-too-short punctualities of the present in their historical context, to better grasp the fundamental issues at stake in this rich and fragmented space. It offers unpublished and rigorous analyses, open to researchers from here and Asia, written in clear language, and concerned to offer a decentered reading on contemporary Asias.
Scientific Committee
Southeast Asia (in addition to Pierre Journoud and Benoît de Tréglodé)
- Jérémy Jammes, professor of anthropology and Asian studies at Sciences Po Lyon, specialist in religious issues in Southeast Asia. Northeast Asia
- Guibourd Delamotte, lecturer at Inalco and Sciences Po Paris, habilitation to direct research, specialist in Japan.
- Jérôme Doyon, lecturer in political science at the School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford, specialist in China.
- Justine Guichard, lecturer in Korean studies at the University of Paris.
Central and Southern Asia
-Bayram Balci, researcher at Ceri-Sciences Po, habilitated to direct research, specialist in Turkish space and Central Asia.
-Isabelle Saint-Mezard, lecturer at the Institut Français de Géopolitique at the University of Paris 8, specialist in India.
Manuscripts to be published during 2021-2022
Pierre Journoud (ed.), Un triangle stratégique à l'épreuve : China, the United States and Southeast Asia since 1947, 2021.
Damien Carriere, Security Guards and Urban Territories in New Delhi, 2022.
Quoc Thanh Nguyen, The History of Maritime Vietnam, 2022 (to be confirmed).