MOOC "Malagasy Language Contact Kit": registration now open!

Launched in 2017, Inalco's MOOCs can be accessed worldwide via the France Université Numérique (FUN) platform. These "contact kits" offer beginners cultural cues as well as an oral and written initiation centered around several tasks enabling a first contact in the language: introducing oneself, getting around, finding accommodation, eating, making a purchase...
The "oriental language contact kit": Malagasy
This online course, open to all, introduces beginners to the Malagasy language. Very short, practical dialogues, accompanied by grammar points and simple vocabulary, enable you to acquire the words and automatisms needed for everyday exchanges: introducing yourself, booking a hotel room, communicating for travel (buying a seat, negotiating a price, etc.), placing an order in a restaurant and buying objects or food.
With a different lesson every day, it also features a discovery of daily life in Madagascar as well as a cooking recipe every week!
The MOOC in practice
The course runs from April 17, 2023 to June 9, 2023.
It lasts 8 weeks: six weeks of training and two additional weeks to make your approach more flexible. The workload is estimated at 6 hours per week, i.e. 48 hours of training.
The work program is organized in three parts:
- the instructional videos
- oral and written exercises and graded quizzes
- an exchange forum
This MOOC will not be validated by a final assessment but through your participation in the quizzes.
Registration is open until May 14, 2023 on the FUN platform.
MOOC Malagasy language contact kit - Session 2
Course start date: April 17, 2023