MOOC "Décloisonner les langues: approches plurielles du français": registration deadline April 22

Training objectives
Throughout the 6-week course, you'll be able to share a multi/multilingual reflection on the relationship between languages and the French language. One aim is to offer some of the tools needed to challenge the compartmentalization of languages. A complementary objective is to support the ability of pluri/multilingual speakers to shuttle between the languages that make up a single, integrated language repertoire. In short, you will be introduced to different plurilingual environments, examine what they mean for language learning, and discover recent research in the field of plurilingualism.
As a complement to the tasks to be completed, this MOOC thus offers a space for exchange explicitly oriented towards the intuitive and natural communication strategies that pluri/multilinguals deploy in everyday life that enable the acquisition of new language resources.
At the end of this course, you'll know:
- Mobilize all the languages you know to deepen your written and spoken French language skills and diversify your practices.
- Understand why (all) languages are so important and challenge the way we experience the French language.
- Understand why the personal connection we have with the language(s) we speak raises important philosophical and pedagogical questions about how we establish our personal relationships and how we even see the world around us.
- Reinterrogate the ways we learn languages and understand how plurilingualism can impact and enhance education by putting diversity, heterogeneity and variety of usage at the center.
Two pathways are offered: a free pathway and a certifying pathway that opens access to a final exam enabling 4 ECTS to be validated.
This MOOC has been produced with the active contribution of master's students from the Didactics of Languages (DDL) stream.
How do I register?
You must first register on the FUN MOOC platform on which the course is hosted. You will then be able to register for the MOOC "Décloisonner les langues : approches plurielles du français" until April 22, 2024. Classes will run from March 4 to May 06, 2024.