MOOC "Contact Kit in Arabic": registration until May 27, 2024
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Launched in 2017, Inalco's MOOCs are accessible worldwide on the France Université Numérique (FUN) platform. These "contact kits" offer beginners an oral and written introduction and cultural reference points centered around several tasks enabling initial contact in the language: introducing oneself, getting around, finding accommodation, eating out, making a purchase...
The "contact kit in oriental languages: Arabic language
This MOOC offers beginners and more advanced an oral and written introduction to the language common to the whole Arab world, literal Arabic, and to a language in use in the Near East and understood throughout the Arab world, the Syrian-Lebanese dialect. It also enables you to learn to write and read Arabic thanks to the training offered in the graphic system.
With language training, the MOOC emphasizes the cultural dimension, knowledge of which is essential for making contact with a speaker while respecting and understanding their codes and values.
The MOOC in practice
The course runs from April 22 to June 29, 2024.
It lasts 10 weeks. The work rhythm is estimated at around 5h per week, i.e. 50h of training.
The daily work program is divided into three parts: modern Arabic, Syrian-Lebanese, learning the alphabet.
Training content
- Videos including situational dialogues and oral and written exercises
- quizzes to check progress
- a discussion forum to exchange with other participants and the teaching team
- accompanying resources will provide socio-cultural information, explanations of the language system
- and a lexicon containing common terms and expressions.
Course start date: Monday, April 22, 2024
Registration is open until May 27, 2024 on the FUN platform.